Abuse of lag
Please set up the game to use a higher speed internet than the slowest. I've had killers flat out message me about how it's so easy to kill just about everyone if you slow your internet connection! I mean if that's what you guys intended, I can take out my LAN cable and go wifi and farm a ton of points but I'd rather enjoy the game.
There's nothing worse than trying to play a game where you keep teleporting backwards towards the killer when chased and you can't struggle because the animation for the entity comes in three to four times...
I really want to keep laughing this game but every community I'm in on PS4 has said they come across the same problem.
Perhaps set the connection to the middle or upper end of whomever plays? Maybe allow survivors to start games, so we know we won't have that kind of abuse? (If survivors can use lag, go with the auto- ping and connection, heck, even if it's random!