New Killer Power idea [Deadly Dash]

Paposo Member Posts: 15

Hello, today I came to give you an idea of a new power for killer

Name power: Deadly Dash

it would be like this: the killer would have an active button that would give a dash, and if in that dash he hits a survivor he will "grab" him. A grabbed survivor will have to hit a skillcheck, if he misses the survivor will fall straight to the ground, if he hits he gets rid of the killer and killer will be stunned, but the survivor will suffer from the "weakness" status, in that status the survivor can not do any action that needs the hands, to end this status the survivor has to be "treated" by another survivor.

Details: this dash would have the same duration as the power of the legion, being able to be used for locomotion

And also that this dash drops survivors who are already injured, but those who are "weak" will not be knocked down by the dash


  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    Feral Frenzy

    Lethal Rush

    Demon Dash

    Deadly Dash

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Not bad, but why not just make them incapacitated until healed? May be easier and slightly more powerful, the only downside is they could heal themself with self-care but that's about it, plus they can't exit through gates.

    Then You could make it where hitting them with a 2nd dash doesn't down them but gives them something else, like a short hindrance or oblivious. It May be too powerful though because if you got them all, they couldn't undo it, maybe you'd have to say only 2-3 can be incapacitated this way.

    Clarifying question: you say its a dash like legion, so you can stop, turn around and have full control of yourself? How long would it last and what would be the cool down?

  • Paposo
    Paposo Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2020

    Well, the duration would be equal to the legion's power and yes you would have total control at the moment  [detail: your speed would be moderately faster than that of the legion], but the time to be able to use it again is 15 seconds and when you hit a survivor with the power / end the time of power, you are stunned by 3 seconds

    and some balances that I did:

    The survivor now has to be healed by another survivor, but only 3 survivors are affected by the "weakness"

    and about self-healing this would not be possible, because self-healing is an action with the hands

    only actions that the survivor can do with '' weakness '' is to jump pallets and jump windows [but only fast vault]

    and now ''weak'' survivors hit by Dash will still not take damage, but will suffer from ''broken'' status for a few seconds

    what do you think? and thanks for listening

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Sure, sounds good man. Broken for at least 30 seconds I'd assume?