4.4.0 Killer Tier List

Where would you put our favorite Leg if they weren't bugged?
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Came for "Working tier" "Not Working Tier", atleast I got a Legion tier
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I think Bubba is stronger than Slinger. Also I think the Twins are higher than Myers
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Console or pc? If it's on pc, I personally wouldn't put deathslinger on the A tier, he has no pressure. The rest are good imo.
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with respect i would put freddy at A tier, he is good but too basic so he can't apply the same pressure as the other S tier killers.
sure he has a tp and a slowdown but his power isn't as oppressive as the other 3, It makes him reasonably beatable and outplayable in chases.
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New killer is always very low in the beginning. Deathslinger was the worst killer in the game many said first week, and now look how people change their minds. Twins are pretty good.
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I would move freddy to a-tier. S-tier is tournament viable for me.
Plague B-tier, she has many weaknesses, but she has the potential to win a match when all survivor are injured and her default pool of devotion is used. No other C-tier killer has something with the same strength.
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The Twins are not weak. The opinions seems stuck at the PTB stage when Victor could be taken hostage and lockers granted invincibility.
It's not like that anymore. Especially now that players have figured out how easy it is to land pounces and that they can pressure the hook and the gens. The Twins are basically old Legion on steroids, because they can actually down much faster AND they're really in more than one place at the same time.
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Is it weird that I find Bugged Legion to be stronger than addonless Wraith?
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I play on both, Deathslinger has have one of the smallest terror radius and can end chases really fast that's way IMO he is a tier, but agree that he ha no mobility and don't apply much map pressure.
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The problem is that survivors control plague's power, with a efficient team you cant win since they will all cleanse rule when you get your corrupted purge and without it she is a m1 killer that denies some perks.
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Remember that the locker thing is a bug and without it would be impossible to get 2 kills in a match.
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I'm glad people are starting to recognise Pig's potential because this is how I would've ranked her if you ask me.
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I understand, but you have to practice a lot with nurse/hag to be good with them, with Freddy you just spam pools and fake teleports. Spirit is busted and needs a nerf.
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No one said Deathslinger was weak, Blight got some nice buffs before came to the live server.
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How is it weird? Without Add Ons, and against decent Survivors, Wraith's power is just a very slight speed boost locked behind his bell ringing animation. Frenzy on the other hand, even when bugged still has the better Vaulting, Deep Wounds, and Killer Instinct.
Granted... give Wraith even Yellow Windstorm and Bone Clapper and he becomes a lot better... but seriously addonless Wraith is not good.
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Vibin' with this one.
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Wow you reply to everyone's comment except mine :(
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She is RNG-based, she can kill everyone with the traps or the survivors can get take them off on the first try, she also has a weaker version of Ghostface's stealth, while he keeps the movement speed and can activate instantly she crouches VERY slowly and walks slower then the survivors running speed.
sorry, didn't saw your comment ;-;
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What's wrong with it?
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I guess Pig and Oni could swap spots.
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I clearly remember lot's of people said he was weak or the weakest killer in the game.
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he is mainly weak because all he has is a chase power and is naturally slowed, this means that as long as gens get split you win basically.
doesn't matter that he can end chases fast he is slow and can't pressure you all at once.
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Why isn't pig s tier?
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This would be mine
The ones I boxed up are basically me saying they're joint 3rd (Blight Deathslinger Oni) and dependent on who's playing them; and joint 4th (PH, Huntress, Hag, Freddy, Demo) and that's entirely dependent on what map it is.
I think Twins are slightly worse than the chainsaw brothers. You have to play them in a scummy way to use them well but when you do you can snowball really heavily and there's not much the survivors can do. Can literally facecamp people from across the map while applying pressure in other places, and can guarantee a latch or a down on a survivor when they go for the unhook by swapping to Victor when you hear a heartbeat. It's also impossible to make Victor miss unless the killer makes a mistake.
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You on console? That's the only way I could see this being something I'd agree with, because Blight and Nurse aren't great on there. If this is PC then I'd seriously recommend practicing both these killers because they are absolutely 2 of the best killers in the game when played right. They're harder than PH, Deathslinger, Spirit, Freddy, Hag etc (The other high tiers) and take some work but imo they're definitely much better. Oni too.
Suppose I or the other 3 people on here who actually play Demo will never be able to change people's minds on here about him being a good killer.
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Because she doesn't have a theme music
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Demo comes off as 'Meh' to those who casually play him. But because of how diverse and useful his kit is, anyone who pushes his potential will have SO MUCH to work with. He's easily A tier, and with a few tweaks to some minor details and his addons, he'd easily contend with Blight with a high-skill killer that can be argued to have a top spot.
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Can someone explain what’s up with legion? I’m confused
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Solid list.
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If you mean right now with the current state of the game, he is bugged. He moves at his default speed in frenzy and sometimes his power is unusable.
However if you mean in general, he's not that great of a killer. He's alright against newer players but his downfall is against experienced players.
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Both Freddy and Blight have great mobility but Freddy has a better power to use on chases and is a lot easier to learn but I get what you are trying to say. Demo is at maximum mid B tier.
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lol freddy is a tier
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lol yes why do you think hes s tier
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Why do you think he is A Tier?
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since in chase he cant do much unless u use his pallets but why use it if you can use other addons his tp cooldown can take awhile to recharge dream snares can be avoided
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Dream Snares are much better than Dream Pallets
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thats true i never use pallets rather use other addons
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I've been playing the Twins a lot lately and there's no way they are at the bottom.
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Here's mine.
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That's nice! I just think that Demo and the Twins should be lower.
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I think Demogorgon is underrated. He has a power that can make certain loops/structures very unsafe whilst having a mobility tool that can be particularly powerful at times.