Apparently we got too many shards last week.

Since this week we'll get even less. 1000 has been cut to 500, because ... Who knows, really.
Im kidding, it's obvious that they have an extremely fragile "economy" to keep intact !
Im kidding that Im kidding, it's laughable and Im dissapointed, I'd love to hear their reasoning, because with how things currently are (The buggiest patch in a long time, a literally unfinished dlc being sold for full price) one would stand to reason we'd get more rewards, as an apology, but no. They had to cut the shards. And yeah sure we got 300k bp, which is better than nothing, but am I the only one who thinks shards would make a far better compensation ?
Overall. Dissapointed with ... Im not even sure what that is with them recently, is it greed ? Laziness ? Who knows. Call me entitled or whatever, but I know they can do better, which is why it's even more disheartening.
Opinions ?
It's all damage control. The reason dbd does this is because there's nothing to compete with them, so they know as long as they make it seem like they care then maybe the playerbase will put up with it.
11 -
ye i wish some other company made a game like this
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They cant give too many shards, they would be basically giving the chapter away for free.
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I would like to see how many percent buy the non-licensed chapter for money and the comparison of dlc revenue with skins.
I think they earn a lot more with skins, thats the reason why many skins are only buyable with auric cells.
6 -
Good. This chapter is barely worth the shards anyway.
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Yeah, giving 2,000 shards over two weeks is definitely 'basically giving away' a chapter worth 18,000 shards. ...What?
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sniff sniff
Smells like somebody's being ungrateful in this thread! Next week you're only getting 5,000 BP, and you better enjoy it!
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I agree, i mean, i know that they aren't forced to give us anything. But the game is half playable at the moment, and the Christmas rewards arent very exciting. Bloodpoints i guess are alright but lack luster being 10k a day which roughly rounds up to about 300k, and the shards got halfed? Why? Even if you gave us 1000 for the whole event that's still only 5k a week. You'd still need to regular grind the other 4k for a character and even more for a skin.