Payday DLC Idea

New Killer: The Cloaker, 110% movement speed, 24 meter terror radious

Killer power : Assault and humiliate - The Cloaker significantly increases his movement speed (160-180%, whatever is more balanced) for 5 seconds while making a warning screech (you know the one), if the cloaker gets close enought to a survivor (aprox. Myers tombstone distance) he will perform a takedown and instantly down a survivor. This power has a 20 sec cooldown.

Suprise attack - The Cloaker can enter lockers. While in a locker, The Cloaker becomes Undetectable and can teleport to a another locker, if that locker is empty. The Cloaker keeps the undetectable status effect for 2 seconds after exiting a locker. This power has a 60 sec cooldown.


Police brutality - After hooking 2 different survivors, the perk activates for 20/25/30 seconds. All survivors who are at least 24 meters away from a hooked survivor become exposed during the duration of the perk. The exposed effect is hiden for survivors. "I´m going to turn you inside out" - The Cloaker

Better late than never - After the 2nd generator is completed, you gain a 1/2/3% movement speed boost. Everytime another generator is completed you gain an additional 1% Movement speed boost (max. 6% boost in endgame). "I know, I know, I´m late" - The Cloaker

Out of nowhere - After Hooking a survivor, the perk activates for 30 seconds. All survivors who are doing a repair, healing or sabotage actions become oblivious for the duration of the perk. This perk has a 100/80/60 sec cooldown. "Next time, check your corners"- The Cloaker

Ultra rare add-on: Clown mask - A reinforced facemask of a clown with the american flag on its face. Effect: While Assault and humiliate is not on cooldown, you become undetectable. Moderetly decreases your movement speed during Assault and humiliate. Moderetly increases recharge time of Assault and humiliate

This is just a fan idea. I would like to know what you think about it. If some of you have some ideas for a survivor, I would very much like to hear them.


  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    "Now go to the forums, and cry like the little ######### you are!"

    ~Cloaker, after bashing my skull in for the 5th time on Panic Room