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I get that people want an LGBT character, but...

Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
edited December 2020 in General Discussions


Let me preface by saying I'm not LGBT-phobic or spreading hate speech or anything, I'm just stating my opinion.

If a character is made ONLY to be LGBT and that's their WHOLE personality, then it wouldn't be a good addition, neither would cheesily integrating it into a character's current lore.

WHY does it matter if there's an LGBT character? Why do we need one? What's the point? "oH hEY gUys, wE aDdeD An LGBT cHaRIcTer." I don't care who my character is, I just want the gameplay to be good.

There just isn't a reason.

Thank you for coming to my very short TED talk.

Edit: there is a follow up on the 5th page of comments. Please look there as well.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited December 2020

    I think I grew up in the last generation where there was still a small pocket of people that could develop and apply common sense (90's). Not to say that everyone belonging to younger gens are the opposite, but it's far more common since social media/educational institutions have turned into propaganda machines that spew heavily left leaning rhetoric and ideas with no one to balance or check them with sensible alternatives.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Everything doesn’t have to be labeled. We are not naked cans of mystery contents.

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    And here, I always thought Nea was meant to be a lesbian and thus an LGBT character and now I am really confused....

    Bubba got a slick LGBT treatment recently, or is that offensive now, I can't even tell anymore....

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    It's frankly annoying how big of a deal people are making this out to be.

    Or I'm in a bad mood. Not mutually exclusive 😂.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    There really isn't much point to having a LGBT Character in DBD. It's not the type of game where you say, "I relate to X character because I'm XYZ and they're XYZ."

    I feel like it's very superficial to relate to a character purely because they're LGBT. The character's personality never really shows in the game, and sure I get the whole wanting to be included and acknowledged thing but it just seems a little pointless to have it in a game where you don't really get a glimpse of the character's personality or lifestyle.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    That’s just what I was going to say. There is nothing hetero about Nea, and she dresses a lot like lesbians that I’ve met.

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    I honestly feel like confirming that a character identifies in "x" way goes completely against what the devs have said about wanting to make characters that people can relate to, obviously if it's a licensed figure then that's a different story, but defining that a character is straight or gay then makes them less relatable to a lot of people, the ambiguity of not knowing what a character defines themselves as or what their sexuality is lets people use their imagination, most players aren't going to see a survivor and choose them because in the lore they're "x", they'll choose them because they like the way they look, or the cosmetics they wear. I'm all for a character that has "girl" clothing on a guy or vice versa but confirming their sexuality accomplishes nothing, it just makes it harder for people to relate to the character. I think representation is very important, but the media needs to wake up and realize that rubbing it in peoples faces is what creates the hate for the community in the first place.

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    I agree 100%. This stuff doesn't belong to DbD.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    I would say more than 50% of the players are against LGTB stuff in the game

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I guess we have to look up all the other threads about DS,Noed,Spirit etc. too because they are barely ever constructive 👀

  • I mean there isn't much sexuality in the game in general so I don't overly care myself. It's kinda like how the dev said, not much room for that kinda thing really in the entity's unending trial realm.

    I am not opposed to it either, I mean I never really cared about any of the story in this game, so I mean they can do whatever it won't affect me any.

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184

    Makes no difference whatsoever for me if the character is LGBT or not. Can't understand why make a fuss about it either way. If they want to do virtue signaling or not I couldn't care less. I only care if the perks of one character are good or not and if it is well done design wise, memorable, interesting and different from the others in some recognizable way (and good outfits).

    I don't get it why people get goose bumbs for either side, it's just a complete waste of time. What should matter in my humble opinion is what I mentioned above, specially for this kind of game that has very little interaction with history and knowing the characters, despite the lore. This is not an RPG.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    I checked the previous post by @Orion and there were clearly more "Vote Up" against than pro

  • sudintlink
    sudintlink Member Posts: 188

    The tiktok side of this community WANTS there to be a character whose only personality is being LGBT so they don't really care

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    To the OP:

    Why not?

    we already have several characters with mentioned heterosexual relationships despite the devs stating in the beginning they don’t want to confirm anything. They have contradicted themselves and revised their statement. Rewriting the lore for those characters is not an option. Also they are writing more and more lore for every character.

    why should everything LGBTQ+ be excluded? It’s not only about sexuality, it’s about individuality, relationships, friendships, struggles in life (like a coming out) etc. It would be very unnatural if none of the chars were LGBTQ+. It would be okay to exclude everything in this direction but that’s not possible anymore. So there is either direct exclusion or inclusion.

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