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Victor bugs (multiple bugs)

Issue 1
Victor gets stuck in the ground on a semi-regular basis, usually due to cosmetic items or uneven ground causing him to spawn half-in/half-out of the ground. He cannot move, pounce out of it, or be picked back up. This is a huge problem, as he will remain there for minutes, completely invalidating the power of the killer.
-Solution suggestion - make it possible to pick up Victor as Charlotte when you are in close proximity using your normal power button (LCTRL is usually used to swap between, so there is no conflict) until you are able to resolve the clipping issues with spawning him in.
Issue 2
Victor dying to irregular "high" locations - second level of the boat on Blackwater Swamp resulted in any pounce killing Victor as if he was landing on a higher object. The same happened with one of the crank covers on the second level of HNL catwalks (the ones that are sometimes open sometimes closed with the tube running down, this one was closed). This might be true for any multi-level environment where Victor pounces on an upper level.
-Solution suggestion - Remove the death when landing on objects taller than himself mechanic until you can properly code what is "taller" than Victor (hint: everything is) - could stand to be removed entirely.
Issue 3
Had a player disconnect with Victor on his back while at the exit gate - when I attempted to use Victor again, my POV was stuck midair at the exit gate, while Victor's body was near where I released him. When I returned to Charlotte he was stuck in a tree, and switching back resulted in the POV going back to the exit gate.
-Solution suggestion - properly code so if Victor is on the back of a survivor when they disconnect, his POV resets and he is controllable again.