Devs..the twins need some serious help

I've been grinding to get my perks on the twins and oh boy..they are a mess..even with the bugs and missing mechanic aside there are still serious issues that need wrangling
1. Getting victor attached to you has almost no negative effects yet the killer loses their power for up to 45 seconds , currently the new status effect blocking exits is bugged, but even if it have to be so close to take advantage of it its useless anyway..victor should be revealed at all times so there's a risk of the killer catching you off guard should you choose to steal victor..currently the killers power is near useless until its on an injured survivor
2.The twins waste way too much time, the transition has a global sound but charolette takes 6 years to start really moving again on top of that, this not only limits interesting gameplay but also gives survivors a ton of unearned time , makes healing perks fully counter victor getting downs as all that needs be done is to stay with a buddy and victor can immediately be killed upon getting a down and then the survivor will most likely get up before charolette can even get there
3. Victor has too much counterplay, victor gives a painfully long window to crush him after every down or missed pounce, and as mentioned before, healing perks limit his usefulness as healing strength has become pretty bloated imo , plus can be stolen for extended periods, can't pounce up any slopes, can't chase around many objects as he takes too long to wind up , its kind of insane how easily he's beaten by very simple things and yet can't use any perks to his advantage even..there's more the survivor can do with victor than the killer, and that just makes this killer feel do much more bland and disappointing
All in all I think these are the main issues that need looking into for the twins..I may have missed something but as I've played these issues are glaring as can be and I feel really need to be adjusted
Personally I don't think the Twins should have released in their current state but the devs need a reason to either
A: Bring in new players
B: Try to draw back players that left
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- This is a design mechanic to help slow down her slugging power I am assuming. I don't really mind if people hold onto victor as its the only real way to prevent them from slugging at 4 gens. Yeah its annoying, but I think they only real balance would be if they reduce the timer in which you can call back victor, they would then have to increase the time you can use victor again as a balance to help prevent slugging. She is already OP at slugging.
- Once again, the transition is meant to prevent her "unfun" tactics. If the transition was instant you could easily block and camp hooked people with almost no downside. She already has no TR while in control of victor. I feel like her transition time is perfect
- Yeah, healing is actually an issue I am noticing playing with her, but victor doesn't have a lot of counter play other than to heal. So its kinda a give and take. Its annoying someone can keep your power for almost a minute, but its also super annoying on the survivors side to be 4 man slugged at 3-4 gens.
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Just Because she can slug is not a valid reason to remove any fun play she could have
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Yeah it does, because this community is toxic as ######### and would abuse it if the devs made it even easier for her to slug
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If you'd read my post even her slugging is too weak against teams with organization..I think your not being realistic
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Rank 1 3k hrs /1k hrs survivor if this make u an opinion all i can tell as sirvivor i lose 3 games against twins cuz they slug like hell and the cooldown for vitor is so short, so im thinking at slugging and basement camp u cant lose with twins
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Trust me you can..a lot of survivors are already figuring it out, just stay in pairs and heal when able, victor cant hyper slug and gg
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Imagine a killer who can be in 2 places almost at the same time, aint that map pressure?
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It would be if you didn't have to walk across the map to get your hooks..the fact that you do basically nips that away
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Basically the only time I haven't 4k'ed with her is against SWF. I've played 33 games so far and only not 4k'ed in 5 of them, in those 5 games I still got 1-2 kills. I am playing her at level 1 with just Tier 1 Oppression (though rank doesn't matter in this game, I am playing at red ranks, I think I am either 2 or 3). I try not to slug more than 2 people at a time.
Yes you are right, against SWF or Solo survivors that are healing constantly, I have a much harder time or lose. However, and this is going to be in caps YOU CANT BALANCE A KILLER AROUND SWF IT WOULD BE COMPLETELY BROKEN FOR MOST OF YOUR GAMES
You can't win every game, you shouldn't 4k every game, you are not playing against bots, you are playing against other people that have poured their time and money into this game and also want to have fun. And sitting on the floor bleeding out for 4 minutes isn't fun.
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Exactly how I felt using the Twins.
Charlotte is a regular killer without Victor and it feels too sluggish.
Victor on the other hand feels more of a "half" killer with nothing super powerful.
I think the twins need more buffs and an entire new coding system.
(I had Victor running sideways the entire time with the camera tilted 🤣)
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My only complaint is when Victor is on someone's back, they should be hindered more. Why can someone still open a gate with Victor on their back? I had a game where I closed the hatch, I found the last survivor and pounced on them and before Charlotte could even get to the gate, they had it opened. They should have to remove Victor first before doing any actions.
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You lost me at can't balance around swf..thats backwards thinking..every other game balances around team play and for good reason..
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Yeah this patch is something
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Hence why I think the transition time is insane
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Victor sure is pretty useless once he pounces on someone.
I think Victor should either reveal the survivor being attached + prevent them from going into lockers, opening gates and entering the hatch.
There's so many times where Victor latches on to someone and I have no idea where he is unless another survivor is near and I get signaled by him/her.
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Yeah because most games are team based with lots of information to support that. DBD is not those games.
Most of your games are just a bunch of solo survivors (maybe a 2 man SWF), rarely are your games actually 4 man SWF games and then even when you get those games, even more rarely are they 4 man Swat SWF teams.
I already find killer more and more boring unless its against SWF, because you can feel the DRASTIC difference in playing against people who are communicating against those who are not.
If they started making killer powers balanced around SWF teams, no one could ever play this game as a solo survivor again.
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I disadisag.besides..based on cues we have a surplus of survivors compared to not too worried right now
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The killer is forced to slug heavily sadly
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I am sorry you're so selfish you only care about your fun. I hope you grown up one day and realize you are playing a game with 4 other people trying to enjoy something they spent their money and time on.
I hope the devs ignore you and I am sure they will.