Devs..the twins need some serious help

I've been grinding to get my perks on the twins and oh boy..they are a mess..even with the bugs and missing mechanic aside there are still serious issues that need wrangling

1. Getting victor attached to you has almost no negative effects yet the killer loses their power for up to 45 seconds , currently the new status effect blocking exits is bugged, but even if it have to be so close to take advantage of it its useless anyway..victor should be revealed at all times so there's a risk of the killer catching you off guard should you choose to steal victor..currently the killers power is near useless until its on an injured survivor

2.The twins waste way too much time, the transition has a global sound but charolette takes 6 years to start really moving again on top of that, this not only limits interesting gameplay but also gives survivors a ton of unearned time , makes healing perks fully counter victor getting downs as all that needs be done is to stay with a buddy and victor can immediately be killed upon getting a down and then the survivor will most likely get up before charolette can even get there

3. Victor has too much counterplay, victor gives a painfully long window to crush him after every down or missed pounce, and as mentioned before, healing perks limit his usefulness as healing strength has become pretty bloated imo , plus can be stolen for extended periods, can't pounce up any slopes, can't chase around many objects as he takes too long to wind up , its kind of insane how easily he's beaten by very simple things and yet can't use any perks to his advantage even..there's more the survivor can do with victor than the killer, and that just makes this killer feel do much more bland and disappointing

All in all I think these are the main issues that need looking into for the twins..I may have missed something but as I've played these issues are glaring as can be and I feel really need to be adjusted
