Nerfing moris is the worst thing bhvr could've ever done.



  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    I've played against plenty of good survivors. If you're a good killer, you know not to chase them unless you have to. They don't need to mess up a lot of the times if you know how to correctly apply pressure and have good decision making.

    Honestly it just sounds like you don't know how to effectively play killer. I'm not trying to be mean by saying that, but you're making killer sound next to impossible. If you're a good killer you win 90% of your games.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,766

    Same. I've had a Pig Mori daily sitting there for something like a year.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    What happened (from what the devs have said and put out):

    1. Hook sacrifices were designed.
    2. Someone said, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we had a neat animation besides hooks to kill survivors? Spice things up with some cinematic horror?"
    3. The memento mori ability and animation was designed as part of the base kit. Any killer could use it at any point he/she stood over a dying survivor. No offering necessary.
    4. Killers used it not just for cosmetic purposes but as a tool for winning. McCote thought, "But why would you mori when you get more points hooking and sacrificing?" At this point, killing a survivor with a mori wasn't significantly more impactful than hooking a survivor because survivors usually died first (or second hook) anyway. The mori wasn't shortening any gameplay time. Time passed.
    5. Memento mori was made into an offering. Killers still used it as a tool for winning, but they had to pay bps for the chance (and things were A LOT more expensive in terms of the wage-price gap then). Survivors started expecting to be hooked more than just once before their deaths. Then came the next change.
    6. Mori was too powerful as a tool to win, so the devs made the hooking requirement. That way, the vision for a cool alternative was kept while minimizing balance implications, since now it wasn't the difference between being mori'd and being one-hooked but being mori'd and being three-hooked (and the way chases elongated made this a BIG difference).
    7. Now: mori is two hooks before use. I haven't been able to mori anyone since the changes except once when I brought a cypress mori and stood over a survivor as the others all slowly died on hooks. Ebony can't be used for survivors that suicided into unhooking another survivor where I down them both. Neither has DS and neither had Unbreakable. I have to hook both of them and put them into struggle state even though I would love to give them a cool animation.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Want to correct you on flashlights being "buffed" lol

    They were just fixing the flashlights that they broke. Also just a reminded that they've been changing flashlights a lot over the last few months which has messed with people's timing and making them have to relearn it over and over again.

    So if anything they've actually been nerfing them slightly until we learn the new timing.

  • Hazraam
    Hazraam Member Posts: 3

    As a main killer, I agree that now moris are usless exept if they got DS, so what ? before the nerf a killer with a mori, even a green one could not lose. You need to put yourself in the survivor side, it is not fun to go in a game and get killed min 1 because killer caught you 2 times in a row (tunnel ?) when i was new to this game my first 3 game were against mories, what i could have done ? i was close to just give up survivor for ever. Keys are not fun either, but key are more difficult to pull up than a moris, because you actualy need a bit a skill to survive and use it, you can be tunneled cause you got one. So let them time to rework it, because if they speed up to make a fast patch, key will be either usless either broken as hell.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    People upvoting a post that unsarcastically says "WHY IS BHVR LISTENING TO THE ENTITLED SURIVVIORS THEY ARE JUST TORTURING US POOR KILLER MAINS." is an example of how ridiculous this forum can be.

    And let's not rewrite history already - they pretty much were a guaranteed win unless the skill gap between the survivors and killer was huge. Most mori users didn't save them for swf, death squads or not, didn't save them for keys either, would often go back to the hook to finish off the rank 15 urban evader at 5 gens to go, and was often just a "f*ck you" offering paired with slowdown Freddy or iri huntress, much like midwich offering and OoO is. Maybe you had a bad game in the previous round and the next lot will have to answer for it.

    They didn't even bother me that much if surv queue times were good, at least the animations are cool. But that didn't make them any less stupid. Anyway, keys next plz.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    First and foremost, if you need to bring a Mori while playing PH, you're hella sad. That said, this change is part of what is called "balancing" a game. Keys are still missing out on that part, tho, I'd be happy to see them changed ASAP. BHVR is actually doing, or planning, a fine job to reduce factors of frustration in what, you always have to remember, is a VIDEOGAME. 1st hook Moris needed to go. 4 keys need to go. Spamfest killer powers need to go or be made as much less spammable (Freddy, Huntress, Billy, Bubba, Clown). I would also like to have NoeD, toxic perk combos and 4 man SWF removed, but I guess you can't have it all.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Tho I agree with you on the fact that they could have waited for both changes to be ready for deployment, I also am happy with the Mori change being live already. There is a big, huge difference between Moris and keys. If a killer tunnels you (and let's be fair, almost every single killer does) you get downed the second time, and it is game over for you. You just spent less than intended in a match, probably not scoring enough points, and now you gotta search for another one, which had a high chance to turn out the same way. This whole point is non-dependant on own skill, anyway. As a survivor, on the other hand, you gotta wait for at least 3 gens to be done. And if neither the killer nor the survs are incompetent, 3 gens will be done mid game-ish. During that time, you wouldn't simply hide in a locker or wait it out, as there would simply be no point in using a key only for the sake of it.

    To put this simply, the Mori nerf had to be pushed out because it was too punishing for survivors, who could easily be killed in the first few minutes, without the chance of doing anything, especially at lower skill levels. Also, as far as my experience has proven, Ebony Moris are FAR more common than a purple key is.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Had to be to be pushed out? Why did it have to be now? And for such a simple (lazy) change, it could have been done much earlier, or simply be done later, during an actual patch. With some actual developer feedback along with it, instead of as just a bullet point at the top of the patch notes?

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    It should have been done much earlier, if you ask me, but you've got to be happy with what you are given. I don't personally care about getting dev feedback for it, to be honest. You and me have both played this game, do you really feel like there is a need for devs to word why the change was necessary? I know I don't.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Less about why it was necessary honestly, and more the process and decision making that led to such a "simple" nerf.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    And why would you care about that, anyway? It's not like you are going to be implementing any changes yourself xD

    Knowing the process or anything won't make things different. But I'll humor you and ask it anyway: What would your "not-so-simple" change be?

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Fun Fact: 75% of the Killers in High Rank equiped a Mori only BECAUSE the Survs bring in a Key. Thats why i dogdes Lobbies before when i saw a key, on BOTH sides! You know it wont be a normal game if a key is in there. Cant wait for a "unlock hatch with a key will take 5 secs animation". /s

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    That's a bit of an exaggeration but I see where you're coming from.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    mori should just be basekit because they really useless now to play and I only used them for daily anyways.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    That just convolutes those and rifts and those should all be changed including older rifts' challenges now

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    Also let's not forget about bs killers that camp/tunnel just to mori.

    Easy game ... amazing nerf !

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    ok but mori have a place in this game remember this horror game based on slasher movies which why mori were added but which hooking 2 times and mori giving less points has made them pointless to use like I said you hook them 2 time you might as well hook them the 3rd time.

    I feel like mori should be basekit because there been time I played a mori offering and don't use it anyway making it a waste I know there be times killer would just mori all the time with it being basekit but they never move up either in the ranks I'm sure most think like I do only use it when it feels right to do so and it make daily and rift when ask for it.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    DS was nerfed once, and then given a buff. It was claimed and thought of a nerf at the the time, but the longer I've seen it in action the better I realize its gotten. Now the original DS was more powerful then the current one. I freely admit that. But the second change was actually a nerf. Usually only the obsession would get it off. And you could juggle them to a hook. Now no hook juggle, and everyone on the team who has DS will get to use it if they are downed and picked up withing 60 seconds. And if they mix it with Unbreakable, they are literally invincible. The old DS, even the original, had counterplay, thanks to juggling, as well as true mitigation with Enduring. Then they nerfed enduring, and it was obviously done just to make DS even better. And now the new DS is a menace and needs to actually be nerfed. As well as all second change perks need to be made so they can no longer work together, just like the devs want to do with slow down perks for killers.

  • AlightBULLDOG
    AlightBULLDOG Member Posts: 54

    Lmfao are you serious??? Flashlights suck worse then you do. Killer is easy!! Try getting better instead of complaining. I kill all 4 almost every match, and when I don't it's because I either felt bad and let a couple of them Escape or the last survivor got lucky and found the hatch. Not to mention all the cheap ways you can play to win is ridiculous. Hook Camping, body baiting, gen stalking a territory, gen locking... You do any one of those and your bound to have a successful game, not to mention the amount of BP you get for little to no effort. I've carried entire teams on my back keeping them alive, off hooks, getting gens done, cleansing totems, and healing. Pretty much hold their hands and how do you think I get rewarded??? By becoming a mantle piece for the killer when I couldn't find the hatch first, or dissected with mori and make 10,000 less blood points. As a killer you basically get 10,000 BP for nothing other than loading into the match practically. As a killer you dont have to depend on anyone but yourself, survivors do... Long story short I get punished for having potatoes for teammates while the killer gets rewarded.