Moris need a SECONDARY effect, nerf is lazy

EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I’m okay with key and mori changes, I’ll even put aside the fact keys haven’t been changed at the same time but this change is lazy.... so first of I don’t mori straight of hook, hell I dont even slug unless a DS person is sitting on a gen but having a mori with no extra effect makes them pointless.

why would a killer buy/use an offering just to see an animation while negating perks like bbq, tremors, pop etc. I like the moris I do but they need a useful effect, even 2,4,6% passive slow down is acceptable but just on death hook? No

im honestly disappointed and I hope this is a temporary place holder because once again I have little use for moris, you wonder why people only use BP offerings, because the rest provide such little use or benefit.....

ps. Thanks for the hoarder nerf, that perk was clearly game breaking OP.


Post edited by Rizzo on


  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    I'm really ok as it is.

    I mean, you can mori people, it's already a big deal. No chance for any kind of saves, so forget your perks and your items... you WILL die if you're down on the 3th hook.

    It may no seem much, but I usually played moris like this already and, in my experience, the survivors do get scared when they know they have no chance of escaping death. You can even pretend to go for the third hook to see if someone comes to the rescue and if you drop the survivor you can still get the kill.

    So in my opinion it's ok.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    How about bloodpoints? Also reduce their rarity. They don't need to be higher than uncommon anymore.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    It still skips a hook state and survivor second chance perks. Just after a second hook.

    Sorry you have to play the game now.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502
  • MPGamer18
    MPGamer18 Member Posts: 124

    For the record, I think Moris and keys should be removed from the game. But this was not a lazy nerf.

    As it stands right now, finding a match as a survivor can take a long time (again) and there's nothing worse than waiting 10 minutes to be matched with a low skilled player who either moris you or your teammates out of the game. I would rather wait longer to play against someone who is actually skilled at the game, then play against a bad player who obviously camped their way to red ranks.

    There's absolutely nothing fun about that and if I'm not at least having fun what's the point in playing?

    I really wish BHVR would stop developing new characters and focus solely on fixing core issues and of course improving maps and adding more locations. I can only speak for myself, but as someone who plays across multiple platforms daily for almost 4 years, the list of unique killers I typically play against is growing smaller each day and some killers I never see anymore.

  • helix43
    helix43 Member Posts: 180

    It's honestly like the whole perk rework situation again. I remember them saying in one of their live streams that the reason they're taking forever to rework terrible perks was because they wanted to actually rework them, not just change the numbers. Then a month later they announced changes to some terrible perks, only for them to have just change the numbers on the perk slightly.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    mori's don't need an extra effect, i understand that compared to their past version they are way stronger but nerfed mori is still strong.

    would you call PH's final judgement weak? No it allows you to kill survivors regardless of DS, flashlights, or body blocks. that is current mori's.

    not everything needs to be super strong in fact i support the nerf as something is better than nothing, mori's were just too strong and a lot of other idea's had flaws that were exploitable or not fair per individual.

    Besides if the nerf was this severe imagine what will happen to keys, from the mod responses it is very likely that it will now take time to open hatch since they mentioned long animations.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    PH's final judgement takes half to only a third of the time of a normal mori for it to be viable.

    If it was a full mori duration it would be actively detrimental as just hooking the survivor would be faster.

    Aka there's a good reason why he has 2 mories one for game play(Final Punishment) and one for style(Mori)

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    But you get to waste valuable time sitting through the longer mori animations when a hook is just over yonder for the quick and clean kill, that can give you a couple of seconds to move toward the hatch even when you know it's close to that hook. Isn't thatw orth those bloodpoints still? I'd totally get that moving through a web over just spending 3k points to wrap that web up. Moris are only for the survivor's fulfillment now, since they take as much time to kill (sometimes more due to animations if a hook is close) and it only enhances their sense of entertainment (it's not cool after the second or third time you've seen it which is basically the first time you used one on a killer) with the animations while saving their friends time and costing you time depending on the situation.

    You're buying moris for them, not for yourselves now especially since survivors get four offerings between them and you burn your only offering to what still have to tediously hook them 3 times anyways while taking even longer on the last depending on the animations and possibly making it easier to give a guy the hatch? A random survivor should lose bloodpoints somewhere int he world every time a killer is forced to pay for a mori to progress their web now lol.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Ummmm did you not see all the things it counters?

    doesn't matter how fast they are at worst you lost a few seconds, what at best 5 seconds lost? still worth it to ignore DS, FL's, ect. a few extra seconds doesn't make it THAT much worse then final judgement to where they are useless or weak.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    So if you don't tunnel and one hook Mori how does the change matter? You can still use the Mori and most of the good players used them on death hook anyway so they could maximize points in the trial because it's too easy to one hook Mori, that's why big name streamers never use them and people like scott kind and tru3 have hundreds stockpiled on killers because it was too boring and took no skill to win that way

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    Moris are on par with other offerings now in terms of strength. Adding a secondary effect is unnecessary.

    And for all of the people complaining about keys, I'm sure the devs will address them eventually. It is not realistic to expect them to fix issues in pairs so that one side won't riot. Moris and keys don't have anything to do with one another balance-wise, so there is no need for them both to be changed in the same Z patch.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    it only ignore those ONCE and only AFTER THEY COULD HAVE ALREADY GONE OFF.

    Its in all honesty dishonest to consider it a counter to DS if DS has to have a full possible activation time go through before it "Counters" it.

    Same applies to the rest.

    As for time killer's time is logically worth 4 times(1 v 4 the one's time is worth more) as much as a survivors and a lot of game can come down to 5 seconds between denying the last generator poping and downing the survivor team or the generator going off and them escaping.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    The problem is also how the communicated it. When they talked about changing Moris and Keys during a Q&A they've mentioned that they won't strictly nerf them, but change them in a way to keep them fun and interesting. And based on what we heard about Keys might still get that treatment, while Moris were just nerfed in a way they could've done months ago.

    There new state isn't bad for sure. But nothing interesting honestly and barely comparable with PH's final judgement, because the fun to use this character doesn't lie only on that aspect, if we are honest.

    Besides that with Moris the devs had always the chance to make/keep the game more interesting in general considering that that one offering can completely change the rules of the game. It only has to do it in a fun and interesting way and not like it used to be and how it is changed now.

    Besides that I kinda expected they would take the opportunity to change Cypress Mori as well. An offering that is barely used. But I guess that one keeps to be forgotten as an additional bloodpoint eater and nothing more.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    they can only be activated in 3 instances and that's if those conditions are meet. if they only have two chances to use it that is a hell of a lot better than 3 especially when it's rare for players to use it off first hook since the killer has other options. Most DS users use it on the 2nd or last hook.

    Also if those 5 seconds are so precious then basically playing any other killer than PH is pretty bad huh since you can't even interact with the guy you downed. Stop being biased mori's are still useful and considering those 5 seconds until a gen is done you probably spent them doing something else and even if you did go and stop that gen you can go back and mori the unhooked.

    extreme unlikely but possible situations can't be used here. In the extra time it takes to mori you differently are not stopping a gen from getting done and if you can you would be close enough and smart enough to deal with it before you mori.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160
    edited December 2020

    Mori offerings don't need a secondary effect. Why would a survivor buy a purple luck offering that doesn't guarantee they can unhook themselves and effects nothing but the unhook chance? Why buy a 25% increase in one category of BP for 3k BP when you may get less than 3k back for it? Offerings shouldn't be guaranteed game changers and as a whole they all need adjustments as far as rarity/BP cost - which the latter they said they'd be looking into in last Q&A anyway.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Moris reduce points, you negate perks like pop, tremors, bbq etc. Not to mention you’re locked in animation. So why would killer want to spend 3-7k on a mori when it has no benefit. At least luck provides passive bonuses and the devs have said luck needs looking into so that’s a terrible example and comparison. Offerings should benefit you in some way no matter the side or offering. MORIS NOW ONLY GIVE AN ANIMATION WITH MANY DRAWBACKS... means pointless and this lazy changed could of been put in place many many months/ years ago. Simply seeing the animation for how rare and costly they are isn’t worth it when I can run a black ward and save 6-14k on addons.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    As long as you've gotten the two hooks in the mori will allow you to avoid DS, flashlight saves, sabotage saves, and pallet saves. You're still avoiding the ways killers have complained about survivors escaping during end game. There is still no need to slug a survivor to avoid DS and have them use Unbreakable or lose them from crawling away with tenacity. If survivor is in dead zone of hooks where they can wiggle free and run back to corner to avoid hook you can just mori them instead of leaving them to bleed out. The mori does give you plenty of ways that it can help you.

    If luck is a bad example to you because "devs had said it needs looking into" then the same can be said for the cost of moris because devs recently said they would be looking into offerings usage as well as the BP cost associated with them.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    It may be lazy, but would you rather be killed off of first or second hook?

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2020

    I think the mori should give a BP multiplier. I can't really think of anything else. Just currently besides the possible negation of DS on second hook and preventing a hook from perma-breaking, using a Mori is pretty much spending BP for a unique kill animation.

    Honestly I would have rather had all killers get a built in "mini-mori" when certain conditions are met and the survivor is on death hook similar to PH. Like a huntress "headshot" from long distance with a fully-charged hatchet on a survivor who is injured and on death hook making the hatchet stick in their head and they fall over and die.

    Leatherface hitting an injured survivor on death hook with the last token of his chainsaw charge and the survivor was chainsawed at least 3 times already in the match transitioning into Leatherface's Mori.

    Trapper picking up a survivor from a trap on death hook after they've stepped in a trap at least 6 times in the trial causes him to slam the survivor's face in the trap and it snaps shut and kills them.

    Wraith hitting an injured survivor on death hook with a surprise attack after they've been surprise attacked enough times and Wraith simply knocks them over and does his normal back-smacking mori, etc.

    EDIT: Pig could have one where a dash attack on an injured survivor on death hook puts a bear trap on their head, but as a catch, it both starts active and NONE of the boxes have the correct key (Amanda was infamous for designing unwinnable traps) and the survivor can just run around and do gens or heal other survivors until their trap activates.

    PH already has a mechanic like this as a glorified "kill animation" and I'd like to see other killers get something similar.