Now that the killer works what is the point of her?

Hellbughunter Member Posts: 83
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Now that the has met the checkpoint of functioning I want to aske the question: What is the point of her?

  1. What is the point of Victor attaching to a Survivor when you can pull him of in a few Seconds without even having to stop? How good can it be if you had to implement a feature to stop him being attached?
  2. Why have it that you can crush Victor when you down someone? All that leads to is that you can´t use him against survivor traffleing together, cause every time you down one of them they´ll crush you and have the guy picked up till you get there.
  3. What is the point of Hoarder now that you removed the reduced item rarety? If it was map wide and mabye gave a survivor opening a chest exposed or oblivius it might atleast be interessting to use but now it just gives more items to survivors in exchange for being possibley the worst information perk
  4. Why is coup de grace? Why have a perk that gives you a longer lunge with limited uses with out input from the killer when to use them?

In conclusion I think the Killer could use some improvments:

  1. Have Victors Aura visable imideatly opon being attached and have a survivor stand still the entire time he removes Victor or have Victor stay on the survivors back for some time before being able to be removed so the killer can attleast has the chance to get to the survivor before he can just rip of Victor
  2. Have it so that if Victor downs someone he can not be crushed so that survivor aren´t save just because the are close together.
  3. Like I already said have it be map wide and have some sort of effect on survivors who open chests.
  4. Make coup de grace like fire up. For every gen 10% longer lunge.
