Not every game is SWAT teams



  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Because you have zero evidence to back up your claim. Only anecdotal crap.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Yep, so I'm not sure why you're so sure of your own answer.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited December 2020

    Because the evidence is NOT anecdotal to me. It is only anecdotal when I use it to support an argument with you (or someone else). I play in the Red Ranks. *I'm Rank-1 again as of today in fact with my Spooky Myers. I wiped out a SWF on Midwich to get there. Again, I know when I'm fighting Solos and when I'm fighting a Team with Comms. They behave very differently. It isn't a big deal; I'm just honest about it. Most of them are too. It seems like it is very important to you (for some reason) to claim that SWF aren't all that common, and that the GOOD ones are even more rare. That simply isn't the case when you hit the Red Ranks.

    I would agree with you in the Green and even when Green and Purple are mixing. The SWF (plenty of them there too) aren't that on the beam yet. But by the time they get to Red they have really worked out the kinks, come into the game min/max what they bring. They have a strategy. My job is to figure it out and screw it up. If I see how they mean work it, it is easier to disrupt it. Why do you think so many Solo Players have been getting increasingly frustrated? They don't like being thrown in with a 3-Person SWF. Said SWF consider them a disposable asset more often than not, and will sacrifice the so-called "Red Shirt" without a second thought.

    When I play against a group that I deem are mostly Solo, I take it down a notch. This is because all the Perks and my loadout are set to be oppressive as hell to slow down the SWF, coordinated Gen-Rush. What slows down a SWF slightly, is monstrous to the Solo Que. It is an unfair truth. It is why I wish they had broken the Ques up and found another way (besides Perks) to balance Comms. Still, I have my Dailies and Rifts to clear. I have my Emblems to earn and need Blood Points for various things. My charity can only go so far.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited December 2020

    We should setup a game. You play Solo or SWF? I'm guessing Solo since you seem so darn determined to claim that SWF aren't a thing. I'm sure we could get some random people to join in and NOT do Comms for a little custom game. It could be fun. We can test out your theory that Spine Chill makes Spooky Myers powerless.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Just like every team is not a swat team, not every killer is toxic but hey a lot of survivors believe that every killer main is toxic.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022
    edited December 2020

    All it takes is one bad game against a tactical SWF that was dead set on humiliating you, for you to assume every SWF is out to do the same thing. It's like Bubba. One face camping session and you assume every Bubba is going to face camp you.

    Post edited by Rivyn on
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    I mean the lower your rank (legitimately) , the easier it is for survivors to be a Swat Team.

    A sweaty team of 4 green ranks is probably a joke to a regular of the red ranks, but they're likely to wreck a casual player near rank 18.

    Matchmaking is the culprit putting people against others that they shouldn't be facing for a fair fight.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    I do both. I play solo, with a duo, and with a 4 stack. But I'm not going to do a custom game with you because:

    1) I never said SWF isn't a thing, I said you're grossly overestimating how many sweaty SWF 4 stacks you play against

    2) I just don't like you as a living human person & I don't want to know you off of this forum.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Fair enough. We can agree to disagree. You can continue to tell me I'm wrong about what I experience first hand and you just assume.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    & you can tell ME that I'm wrong about the experiences that I've also had first hand! What a fun conversation this is. Anecdotal evidence is the best!

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Isn't it though? Heck, I was willing to put anecdotal aside and put some things to the real test but you declined. I think you must LIKE anecdotal rather than putting your money where your mouth is... just saying. ;)

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    More accurate topic: Very few games are SWAT teams.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Nah, and your experiment would prove nothing because you're focusing on my saying that spine chill negates scratched mirror Myers, not the amount of sweaty 4 stacks you're paired against. What you should do, if you really want a "real test" to know who's experiences are more common, is start to ask after matches if they're solo players or stacked & what their stack numbers are (2 stack, 3 stack, 4 stack). Keep a record of it--it might surprise you how many people you assumed are 4 stacks are solos or 2 stacks.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I can get behind this correction. I would agree that in the Red Ranks:

    1. The majority of opponents I play are in a SWF.
    2. Very few of them have achieved the perfect coordination of a SWAT.

    That being said, even a regular Red Rank SWF tends to be solid. You can fully expect them to be rushing the Generators, milking every second out of every Hook, be solid loopers, and generally loaded to bear on stuff.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm not focused on anything, but I thought that might be a good test. You feel one way about it (a rather extreme point of view), and I feel the other. It seemed the mature, grown up thing to just test it and get our answer. But I'm patient. You indicate that you are a Red Rank Survivor. I'm sure you will show up in one of my matches eventually. Since I play Spooky most of the time these days, we can test it then.

    In regards to how many SWF I face (and how many of them are really good), there is no way to verify that until the DEV do what many of us are asking and reveal to the Killer when they are facing (or faced) a SWF. Until that time, we have to use our judgement based on game play and what we experience first hand. I know when I'm facing a SWF and when I'm not with a pretty fair degree of accuracy. I face more SWF than Solo these days. You seem determined to tell me I'm wrong. I find it amusing. Be sure to let me know, when we do run across each other, if I was facing you in your 4-Stack or as a Solo. Until then, we will just have to agree to disagree.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited December 2020

    You can't even be sure of that, though. It's just really easy, especially for the killer when they are reeling from a loss, to assume "Those guys must have been a 4-man SWF because they were REALLY good." But four individual players, even in red ranks, are all just gonna be a higher caliber of player, solo or not. They naturally understand how to cooperate and support each other, even if they're not a group of friends or on comms, because they have developed a really strong game sense.

    Also, speaking as someone who plays the majority of my survivor games alongside a friend (so two of us queuing together and getting matched with randoms), comm-enabled coordination is usually not remotely what people imagine it to be. It usually goes something like this:

    • Me: "Where you at?"
    • Him: "Right over here. Use your Bond dummy, I can see you."
    • Me: *walks over*
    • Me: "Oooooooooh cyberbullied."
    • Him: Shut up and work this gen.
    • Both: run run run
    • Him: "Do you see the killer?"
    • Me: "------"
    • Him: "You're getting chased aren't you?"
    • Me: "------"
    • Him: "------"
    • Me: "------"
    • Me: "------"
    • Me: "He broke off."
    • Him: "Thanks dummy, I already figured that out, he just got me."
    • Him: *gets hooked*
    • Me: *does gen*
    • Him: "Is nobody gonna get me?"
    • Me: "------"
    • Me: "------"
    • Me: "Sorry was getting chased. Dude has no one unhooked you yet?"
    • Him: *gets to second phase*

    We're always purple/red rank btw.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You are talking about bias, which is a legitimate concern. I don't suffer from that when I evaluate what I'm playing against. I don't get upset when I lose, and I win far more often than I lose when playing Myers. I'm pretty much a cold fish. I evaluate and determine if I'm playing a SWF during the match because it changes how I'm going to handle them and try to win. I play against SWF very differently than I do Solos. I like to feed them false information which they, in turn, relay to their buddies. It makes jump scares and ambush much more effective. Solos aren't talking to each other, and thus you can only fool one of them at a time.

    In short, I'm not worried about whether it was a SWF after the game because I'm not looking for EXUSES as to why I lost. I'm just looking for how I'll win the next one. I don't consider a loss to a SWF any less of a loss than losing to Solos, and thus trying to deflect or BLAME that after the match is irrelevant to me. When I'm beat, I'm beat. Analyzing them during the match is the only reason I care, because it will affect the tactics I apply. I would MUCH prefer to know I'm facing a SWF up front rather than have to parse it out in the first few minutes. Learning that I faced a SWF after the match is just to satisfy curiosity, and serves little purpose beyond that.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891
    edited December 2020

    There's too many variables to your proposed test. It's too based on personal skill (on both sides), as well as perk loadout/items, luck with positioning & maps, not to mention the map RNG. Not to mention that it's a "test" that has absolutely nothing to do with the statistics of SWF teams. Playing against each other is not even remotely related to that number.

    & see, that's what I'm saying--you literally don't factually know. You can't in one breath say that your personal experiences are the truth while disallowing someone else to use THEIR own experiences as competing evidence because your PERSONAL EXPERIENCE is not inherently more valid than anyone else's experiences. Our evidence--anecdotal evidence that is entirely based on personal experiences--is equally valid and can only be countered by data & statistics gathered over time.

    I find it ~amusing~ that you're so stuck up your own ass that you unironically tried to argue that your evidence gathered through personal experience is only anecdotal when it's used to support an argument.

    Edit: BTW, essentially saying "1VS1 ME, BRO" is not the mature way to settle this discussion--I don't understand why you'd think it would be. The mature method is to gather statistical data which you already declined to do.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Actually I do know, and I figure it out very quickly. As I was telling the other poster, I like to feed SWF information and let them see me doing something because they relay the information to EVERYONE on the team. Remember, I favor the Wall Hacking Myers with the maximum range of it. If I do something, letting one of them see me do it, and then watch 2-3 other people who could not see me react accordingly to the information they just got over the wire.... I KNOW. I generally do a test like this very early in the game just to figure it out.

    My suggestion to you is try it yourself. Play a Spooky Myers and do something that only one Survivor can see (while watching multiple of them through the wall hack) and watch how many of them react almost instantly to the change in your behavior. You may not like me (fair enough) but I think you are a more or less fair-minded person. I suspect if you saw how I'm doing it yourself, and that it works, that you would accept that I have a reliable way of knowing when I'm facing a SWF. Can all Killers do this? No. I never said they could. I said I know, and I am explaining how I figure it out.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Yeah, no. You're making way too many assumptions. You can't definitively say why someone is doing something like walking in a new direction.

    Ask in your matches, get data, and then we'll talk again.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Heh. Talk about assumptions. I do always ask. Most SWF are up front about it. I like to know if I'm right or wrong. It is a game within a game. I do ask whenever I think I'm playing a SWF if they are as SWF. They are up front about it. And that is yet another way I know I face a LOT more SWF than I do Solos.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Cool! Now keep a log of it & come back to me when you're done! I have to go play Cyberpunk2077.

  • Lefrongo
    Lefrongo Member Posts: 120

    Let's look at it this way, most of the time if you're a low rank killer or not there's a high possibility you could get high ranking survivors. The rank system can be so broken at times it'll match you with an unfair set of players which will most likely dunk on you. The same can be said for survivors, last time I was playing rank 7 or so it kept giving me red ranked killers, I'm not sure if that's fair balancing or not or the system is meant to pair you up with any singular digit available whether it's red rank or not. That's why there's people who have no choice but to try hard and keep their pips and protect their rank, we have no choice because we're not sure if we might end up with sweaty red rank players. So might as well sweat back and play the game if it has to be that way.

    I was only Rank 9 at the time and I had red ranks available already, sure I killed both of them and one of them disconnected. It was most likely that they were all in a party together, I'm guessing that's what tends to happen when you have a group of friends teaming up to carry their friends. Not sure what happened during this match, either the survivor and I were far apart or I just left them alone so they can escape. Sometimes as a killer we just choose to let them go if we're satisfied with what we've got, another possible scenario was that they probably delayed the match so much and also managed to get away.

    Had two red ranks in this match, I'm not complaining though because we all won and the killer disconnected. They probably had something come up and got busy to disconnect from the match. Either that or they ragequit, it can happen to all of us. It may still be somewhat unfair for the killer though, although I can be wrong because if you're already at rank 9 trying to reach rank 5 or higher then it might be set so you go against or with red ranks. You're pretty much being tested up to that point if you really want to keep your ranks when facing against the sweaty competition.

    I had a friend experience this, I'm not gonna put that much commentary into this because this is downright unfair right here, imagine being rank 12 going against red ranks already. You all might be saying something like "it might not be a rank system per say but it's just the game having no choice because of the playerbase." That might be true to an extent, but either way that really needs to be worked on.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You should blur out the names on those pics.

  • InsatiableMop
    InsatiableMop Member Posts: 325

    ive had this happen many times, usually recognize th ekiller is new and give him a hook, and always say sorry for the matchmaking after the game

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    This game is a classic. I realized only now that two of them were from agony, the winner of hexys best of the best tournament.

    But i dont think its representative anymore. Old ruin helped otz a lot. And he did know what they had and hardcounters object. In the best of the best tournament freddy had no chance.

    And there is the other problem. You may have a good chance with Nurse, Spirit, Hag and maybe another killer against this teams, but this game has 22 killer.

  • InsatiableMop
    InsatiableMop Member Posts: 325

    this, which was the point of the post, just because people are in a 4man swf, doesnt make them extreemely skilled. the game is balanced around having comms, one truly rank 1 killer = 4man swf.

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    I dont mind if it's harder at all. Right now it feels more like red rank is just a badge that you play the game a lot.

    Ive pushed into red a bunch. Been 1 a couple times. But usually im in purple just cuz i dont play enough to constantly stay up there after each reset.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    I've loling att he swat team members trying to convince the killers that just lost moris that their swat teams don't exist just to keep them playing and not afking rift xp or bp lmao