Disable items that are about to be nerfed

So we all know what happens when something significatly OP is announced to get nerfed. People start using it.. ALOT. So keys are getting nerfed soon because a rework isnt going anyway but down. So disable them until they do get reworked. I posted something similar in general but i think its good feedback. Itll make killers happier that "its not just moris" and itll improve the game health in the next month of wait for the incoming rework.
This should be done with all nerfs like this. So irihead in the future and stuff like that
Wasn't it announced WAY ealier that both would get nerfed eventually?
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There is a tome challenge to unlock the hatch with a key. Disabling keys when people have to use them in order to progress through the rift is not a good idea. Also, if I recall correctly, disabling items isn't as simple as flipping a switch. I remember the DBD team talking about the old moonlight offerings, and making a big deal about disabling them.
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Yes but heres the thing, usually the devs (for instance, survivors with instaheals) (using it as the example most commonly seen on forums) give a direct notice like "We are changing/nerfing item x in 4 weeks so if you want to use it nows your best chance!". With the mori change the community got less than 24 hours. Many people have hundred of these things that are now, basically junk that costs hundreds of thousands of bloodpoints that now get to sit there being utterly worthless.
This is also the only time bhvr has made a major change without proper warning time. Im sorry but saying "We are changing moris amd keys sometime in the future" is different than gling
"Screw you killer players, we nerfed moris to only work on third hook and the change goes in immediately lolololololol oh but dont worry we will get to keys but you have to wait because you dont need keys changed, you all just need to git gud, you arent important enough for us to consider how moris and keys interacted."
I dont even object to the mori nerf itself, i hate the fact that, like always, the devs make a massive change for killers, trash popular items, proceed to NOT address the killers issue with the survivor equivalent, and then everyone gets all mad and derogatory when killer players get ticked because they feel ignored....... Again
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Let me ask you this, which is harder:
Changing a value on a thing or (probably) making new complete animations while still making the thing work with ALL current achievements/challenges in tomes.
I still think they should've released both of those changes at the same time. But they didn't. We just have to hope that it will be done in the next mid-chapter/chapter patch.
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Thats what i know is gonna be the issue though. I get one is harder but that isnt an excuse :/ this isnt a cheap company with 1 guy doing all the work. They chose to release the mori change first, and keys will be barely changed, maybe a little longer to open, maybe limit who can escape. But it wont be anything game breaking but everyone will act like it is.