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4.4.1 - All Platforms - Survivor Unable to Be Hit After Shoving Locker with Victor

itsalluseless Member Posts: 4
edited December 2020 in Bug Reporting

Bill was trying to shove a locker open with Victor outside, and it looks like the shoving completed. However, when Charlotte tried to grab Bill, Bill bugged out and nobody could take any action on Bill. See the Twitter video below for the start of the bug:

I recorded the rest of us trying to replicate the bug to no success. In the video below, you can see what happens with Bill as we're trying to figure it out. The killer and I tried to replicate with the shoving and grabbing, but we failed to replicate the exact conditions.

Notice that there was no option to heal Bill when I approached. The killer tried to hit and pick up Bill to no avail, as well. Bill eventually bled out.

For what it's worth: Bill (Pie) was on Nintendo Switch. Dwight (me, Equinox) was on PC. Adam (DeranQueen) and Cheryl (breadrum) appeared to be on PC, as well; the Twins (ninjabreddman) appeared to be on console.

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  • AffinityForPie
    AffinityForPie Member Posts: 1

    random floating Bill here; in case something happens to the linked tweet - this was triggered by trying to fully break free of the locker while Victor was holding it, followed by Charlotte grabbing me while in the locker. it seemed I had gotten the progress bar to 100%, but Charlotte did make an attempt to grab me at the same time. I briefly had a prompt to self-heal with the medkit, then to self-heal and hide, then I was grabbed out of the locker and hung in the air.

    it seems when another Survivor was locked in by Victor, but did not fully shove the door and was grabbed, they were safely able to get out of the locker. unsure if it would bug multiple survivors on the same locker or if my floating corpse blocked it from happening twice.