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This game is a toxicity cycle.

HR_Helios Member Posts: 189
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

There is a massive disconnect between killers and survivors. We all know this. We all fight constantly about perks, game balance ideas, gameplay changes, etc. Now I have over 6k hours in the game. About 1k on survivor the remaining 5 on killer and have reached red ranks on both. This disconnect isn't just between the sides either it's between ranks. The less skilled survivors tend to be more likely to complain about killers being broken ,moris ,perks, etc. And less skilled killers are more likely to complain about DS, Unbreakable, keys, genspeed etc. Now we can all agree those are issues and high ranks have these same views sometimes but difference in the ranks makes this game incredibly hard to balance from a game dev perspective. (Yes I know I haven't mentioned the killer pov but it's similar stuff) The game devs have a choice. Either find some sort of middle ground that may have mixed feelings on both sides or pick who to cater the game towards. (Casual or competitive). Now personally I don't see this game as competitive. I play competitively and want to win but I'm not upset if I lose. I usually just look at my mistakes in retrospect and move on to the next game. But a majority of the community isnt like that. Killers get mad for losing so much so they bring moris, they camp, they bring noed, etc. And they try to win cause they are tired of losing or getting "bullied". And because of this survivors bring DS, Unbreakable, BT, and Keys just in case they get caught in that situation. But in the end that just breeds toxicity across the game. Moris are unhealthy (better now tho),keys are unhealthy, DS as is imo is unhealthy, and the advantage that experienced survivors/killers have combined with these imo is also unhealthy. It's been mentioned before but in all honesty this game needs so many changes that I don't think I'll ever see this community have respect for the other side. The way this game is built from the ground up is a breeding ground for toxicity. And we got a long way to go. I do have some changes to recommend but I'm not a dev. I'm not going to act like I know best these are just my opinions. There needs to be a Casual and ranked game mode with the ranked mode having a rank requirement you must maintain to stay in (let's say rank 8) and a casual mode from 20 up to 9. There are issues with this tho. It means higher ranked survivors/killers can't have casual games. But it will also semi prevent newer killers/survivors from being completely destroyed by match making. If we don't get that next step is a reworked ranking/matchmaking system. The emblem system sucks. We all know it. There's no reason a killer should have a dominating performance and the killer should still safety/depip (unless moris are used). There should also be no reason why getting chased all game or just doing gens or just being a team player should result in a safety pip. In order to get to rank one as survivor you have to play either extremely selfish and value your emblems over the game as a whole. Or be playing in a swf where its easier to fulfill all your emblems and pip. Now it's possible to get to rank one without doing those. But those are what I've found to be the most consistent ways to pip. The emblems don't take into account the actual performance of the players and that's the problem. Matchmaking also needs to change in some way. There is no reason a rank one killer should be going against RANK 20S. IDC if there's a rank one in a swf with lower ranks give them something in the middle like a green. At least then the lower ranks have a chance. And the killer has some fun. I've said a lot so I'll stop here. If you've read all of this I appreciate you. My closing statement is I love this game. I want to see it thrive I want to see it healthy. But that's not gonna happen if the community doesn't push for change together that's going to better the community and the game. No more comments like "Awe poor killer main can't tunnel" or "Awe poor survivor mains deadhard didn't work" Those aren't constructive and continue the cycle. How about we suggest ways to give incentives for leaving the hook or harsher punishment for staying. And encourage the devs/provide ideas for making servers more stable so dead hard isn't so inconsistent. Thanks for reading. Love y'all. Be safe out there in the fog.
