From the Grave (Fan Chapter)

The_Sadistic_Lewis Member Posts: 26
edited December 2020 in Creations

From the Grave Chapter

Disclaimer: This concept was made before the twins came out, so they have a very similar power.

Killer - The Corpse

Terror radius - Undetectable

Movement - 5.0

Hight - average

A vengeful killer, able to use its power, Embalm, to create servants to make up for its lack of power. It’s teachable perks, Preserve, Decompose, and Hex: Burial, allow it to give crippling de-buffs to survivors. 


The corpse cannot interact with anything other than windows and pallets.

When a survivor is within a 24 meter range, press and hold the power button to embalm a husk. Embalming a husk creates a grave in the location the power is used. Only one husk can be embalmed per survivor. This husk is bonded to the survivor that was embalmed, and cannot be controlled if too far from its host. When a survivor is embalmed, they can destroy the grave created, which will destroy the husk bonded to them. Survivors can see the aura of their grave when within a 12 meter range. Other survivors cannot interact with another survivors grave.


Create a dark, twisted husk of a survivor. Husks have a 32 meter terror radius and move at 4.6. These husks can interact with anything like a normal killer. When a husk attacks its host, its power will fade along side its host, and both the survivor and assigned grave will be destroyed. When a husk attacks a survivor that is not its host, it will remain intact. Husks inherit perks from the corpse.


Press and hold the secondary power button to switch between husks or switch back to The Corpse. Doing so has a short cool down before you can switch again. When using a husk, all other husks will be granted the undetectable status effect, but will not do any actions.


Preserve - Your experience with the dead makes you understand corpses better. Survivors can no longer bleed out. When a survivor is put into the dying state, their recovery speed will be decreased by 30/35/40%. Each time a survivor is put onto the dying state, their recovery speed will permanently decrease by 3/4/5%

Decompose - When survivors are injured, they have 120/90/60 seconds to heal. If they do not heal within this time frame, they will suffer from the broken status effect for 60/70/80 seconds. This timer stops while the survivor is in chase.

Hex: Burial - Inclosed spaces are like coffins, used for the dead. When putting a survivor into the dying state, gain a token up to 3/4/5 tokens. The next time a survivor enters a locker while in chase, consume a token. Consuming a token will cause the survivor to suffer from the oblivious status effect for 40/50/60 seconds, and they will take a single hit of damage.


Add-on concepts.

Brown -

slightly increases embalming speed

Slightly increases switching cooldown speed

Slightly decreases grave destruction speed

Yellow -

moderately increases embalming speed

moderately increases switching cooldown speed

moderately decreases grave destruction speed

increases amount of max husks by 1

Green -

considerably increases embalming speed, slightly reduces switching cooldown speed

considerably increases action speed by husks after switching for 10 seconds.

increases the amount of max husks by 2, moderately decreases embalming speed

Purple -

switching to a husk shows it’s hosts aura for 8 seconds, slightly decreases switching cooldown speed

when a survivor destroys a grave, they will suffer from the oblivious status effect for 15 seconds

when husk hits its host, the survivor will suffer from the broken status effect for 30 seconds

tremendously decreases grave destruction speed, moderately reduces actions done by husks after switching for 20 seconds

Red - when a survivor destroys a grave, they will suffer from the exposed status effect for 30 seconds. Survivors can destroy any grave.

when switching, the host becomes exposed for 15 seconds

Post edited by The_Sadistic_Lewis on