There is No Reason to Use Moris Anymore


I think we all understand that yes, Moris were broken and needed a nerf. Im not going to bring up keys right now because we're talking about Moris. I would be fine with a nerf that kept the pressure of Moris, but did not inherently speed up the game and kill off survivors too soon. I can agree that Moris were a little cheap before and deffinately led to tunneling.

So I had mentioned this before in another post, but here is my change to Moris.

Firstly, speed up the Mori animation for all killers and make it something fast and simple like Pyramid Heads Final Judgment.

Secondly, a Mori will not kill you, but will give you a new status effect: Maimed.

When a maimed survivor is hooked, they will instantly start on only 50% of the current hook phase. i.e. on their first hook they will be half way to the struggle phase. On their second hook they will be half way to death.

It would also be fair to severly increase the proximity to hooked survivor penalty for the killer during the second half of any hook stage to deter killers from camping a survivor to death because they would only have to camp for half as long. (This should be stopped during the EGC)

If a survivor is healed to the injured state fefore they are hooked while maimed they will heal from the maimed status after 30 more seconds (affected by Vigil)

One thing I notice while playing survivor is that when someone is hooked, I often find myself with plenty of time and thinking things like "ok he can chill on hook for 20 more seconds while I finish this gen"

My idea helps put more pressure on other survivors to rescue the hooked survivors. It may not be a perfect idea, but atleast if you die while hooked after being maimed it shouldnt feel as bad as being tunnel morid like before.

The numbers I had in mind were 2, 4, 6 for each tier of Mori. But these could be changed to 3,4,5 or 3,5,7. Obvioisly we would need to find a good balance


  • Freddo
    Freddo Member Posts: 139

    This wouldn't work for some of the animations, Clown and Legion and Deathslinger. Clown literally breaks your neck. Legion stabs AND cuts your belly open. And slinger penetrates you with his gun. Imo this woulnd't happen.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    They do have a purpose: they're fun