No mori

Dark17Style7 Member Posts: 17
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Mori no longer works it does not seem like a red object having to hang it 2 times and be able to kill it in the last ?it does not make sense it is better to hang it but there is no nerf on the survivor side like red keys even so adrenaline skill and other strong perks always nerf for Killer totally unsatisfied .


  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited December 2020

    Oh, it will work; you just have to be methodical about how you play. It is going to irritate Survivors, but what else can you do if you want to actually use the MANY Ultra-Rare Offerings we paid top BP for? If you still want to use it (Red or Green) you simply camp. Don't face camp (what I call Squatting). Do short range patrols never fully leaving the area so you can keep up "some" pressure at least. Short range patrols also increase the chance someone will come in for a rescue, making the hook more effective bait. The point is you are now playing "keep away" with the hook. You WILL allow the rescue, but only after the person hits Stage-2. Then you Mori them off the hook.

    Sounds mean and obnoxious doesn't it? It is; it works. The truth is people get to Stage-2 all the time even before this change. Sometimes you play "keep away" until it happens. Sometimes the other teammates are just slow to act. Sometimes the person on the hook is TELLING them via SWF's 5th Perk (Comms) to just milk that first hook for as much Generator as possible. Whatever the reason, you can still Mori off the first hook. You just make sure they are there a bit longer.


    1. You can Mori and do it EARLY in the game.
    2. You can use them as bait as long as your camping is subtle and done right.


    1. It about halves your Generator Pressure as you can't go that far from the hook.
    2. You will get a lot of idiotic salt.

    Let's be realistic here. This is going to happen; it is going to happen a lot. Many people have hundreds of Mori built up that they paid an excessive BP price for. If they can't get rid of them in an equitable way, and the darn things keep taking up Ultra Rare slots on the Blood Web, they are going to find an efficient way to use them. Get ready for it.

    It is possible to simply tunnel, let someone get unhooked and immediately hook them again, and then tunnel one more time too. This will also get you a lot of Salt but it does work. I've already experienced it. If/when they run the Mori, they simply camp and tunnel MORE.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah that's how I used it last night with Hag, mori'd 3/4 by either harassing the hook till they hit second stage or getting the second hook asap. Ate 2 DS and lost 4 gens but got 3/4. Last survivor hatched out. Lots of salt, death threats the usual.

    Basically the "proxy camping" of hooks has always been the most effective way to apply fast pressure with a mori. It just requires a lil extra to do it now but its still doable. The difference is you'll lose 3 to 4 gens going that route rather than 1 to 2 gens.

    Its only one game to draw from but I wanted to see how much immediate pressure you can apply with the new mori, and you can tunnel off hook but it just takes more investment with potentially less payoff.