What is going on with creative?

I have been playing DBD since the Michael Myers DLC dropped. I have played through the ups and downs and overall I love this game. But with the release of A Binding Of Kin, I cant help but wonder what is going on at the creative for DBD.
If someone suggested a killer who can clone themselves to camp, Im sure it would be rejected.
If someone suggested a smaller demogorgon with no heart beat, Im sure it would be rejected.
If someone suggested a killer with an insane speed like Viktor, it likely would be rejected.
Yet somehow all 3 are in the latest killer.
Only thing comparable to this in a fun killing sense that I have seen is when The Legion dropped and people would DC as soon as they realise who the killer is. Now there is a DC penalty, but the alternative will be people choosing not to play.
A friend recently bought the game knowing it is my favourite. As Im explaing the game to him as we played, he would make comments like ''that seems a bit O.P'' or ''how do you counter that?''. And when it came to The Binding Of Kin (and a few others) I didn't have an answer.
I understand creative have a hard time to come up with new ideas, but I would much rather have fresh takes on old ideas than fun ruining new ones.
As a rough example, You could make The Predator. Who would play exactly like The Wraith, but each time he kicks a gen he charges his helmet. When full he can use his heat vision detecting at various ranges and for varying durations with add ons.
Maybe people can suggest counter plays I'm missing, or maybe this gets to the devs and they take it on board.
If anyone has any opinions or tips I'd love to hear them.
All the best,