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General Discussions

New Mori still quicker to use than hook!

Member Posts: 129
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

So, I see a lot of people saying that the new mori conditions make it pointless due to being "slower" than just getting the third hook, but I don't think people are acknowledging the big other factor about a death hook - It isn't an instant death. When you hook a survivor for their death hook, it still needs to play through the 15-20 seconds-ish of Entity animation before the game signifies them as dead, putting the skull icon over their hook icon, and awarding the killer sacrifice points (as well as the obsession the points if they are that). The mori takes longer than the CARRYING phase, but it does not take longer than the CARRYING AND DEATH ANIMATION. Therefor, using a mori is still quicker than carrying a survivor and hooking them on their death.

Edit: There's a little misinterpretation! I'm not saying it's still smarter to use a mori in hatch situations or whatever, I'm just pointing out that using a mori still grants you the official kill quicker than hooking a survivor on death hook! That is all.

Post edited by TamboRhyyn on

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  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Exactly. On top of that you get fewer points for not putting them on that last hook. There is literally no good reason whatsoever to waste an Offering slot on the Mori unless you plan on double tunneling HARD at the very start of the game to get a 3v1 fast.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    The only benefit I really see is that you don't have a hook break on you when the survivor is sacrificed. At least you won't depip/safety pip under this current system if you use moris so that's okay-ish.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    The only situation I am aware of where the death hook animation actually matters, as pointed out above, is with regards to the Hatch opening. And in that case, the longer death hook animation actually favors the Killer.

  • Member Posts: 105

    The survivor's death may be faster with a mori, but it wastes more time for killers. Killers aren't locked into an action after the survivor is placed on a death hook, freeing them to go patrol gens or find the hatch before the survivor is officially dead. With a mori, the killer can't move for the duration of the animation. The carrying phase is the only thing that requires the killer's time when hooking.

    There isn't really a tactical advantage to using a mori anymore, in fact it's more of a disadvantage because it doesn't give that buffer time for hatch and it doesn't award as many bloodpoints or emblems. The only thing that made it strong was being able to take a survivor out before their second hook, now it's just a cool animation.

  • Member Posts: 194

    The mori's are useless to anyone who doesn't hard tunnel or camp. People who actually play killer know this. It's essentially a vanity offering that costs 7k and acts as a roadblock in the bloodweb or the booby prize in the random boxes.

    Which is why I want mori's to just be removed, bp returned for any unused ones, and a bump to appearance rates for killer specific ultra/very rare add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 152

    This is EXACTLY the problem. We have one of the most expensive items in the blood web that is now complete garbage. I'd rather them be gone completely as they are now simply in the way in the blood web. Ultra rares should be good by their very definition, not literally the worst item you can receive.

  • Member Posts: 298
    edited December 2020

    Making mories grant a lot of bloodpoints for each kill done with it would easily fix the fact that ebonys are now are utter garbage.

  • Member Posts: 129

    Oh I'm not arguing about the effectiveness of the mori, I'm just pointing out it's quicker to get a kill.

  • Member Posts: 618

    Unless you are incredibly far away from a hook then no, it isn't.

  • Member Posts: 129

    No no I understand that! I am fully aware of that, my whole argument here is that, a mori will always finish killing a survivor quicker than the pick up time to the hook + the full. Of course if youre right underneath the hook then hooking the survivor and having them go through the entity animation can kill them quicker than some longer mori animations, but how often is a survivor right under the hook? Usually you're downed at a loop or in a building where there is SOME distance between you and the hook. Usually you need to carry them to the hook and then it will play the 15 second death animation, my statement here is that, assuming we are using a regular scenario where the survivor is not generally under a hook, a mori will give you some extra time to get going. TYPICALLY. That is the entire statement I am presenting :,)

  • Member Posts: 618
    edited December 2020

    Even if on average that were true it really doesn't help anywhere near as much due to the animation lock of the mori's. You can't see whats going on around you the way you would if you could pick up and walk with the survivor. Given, it now makes you more vulnerable to pallet/ flashlight saves I think on average people would rather hook and gain the extra advantages.

  • Some people just want to have fun and not get all technical.

  • Member Posts: 600

    Also with mori you only have to respect DS once.

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