Perks that I will never unlock

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

Some Survivors and Killers have perks that are so bad I never want them to pollute other characters bloodwebs. I've leveled them up and sometimes even prestiged them without ever touching the teachable. Here are those perks for both roles.

Survivor: No Mither, Calm Spirit, Empathy, Left Behind, Wake Up, Sole Survivor, Technician, Wake Up, Stake Out, Boil Over, Buckle Up, Diversion, Repressed Alliance, Poised and Solidarity.

Killer: Bloodhound, Predator, Shadowborn, Beast of Prey, Territorial Imperative, Coulrophobia, Zanshin Tactics, Gearhead, Dead Man's Switch, Hex: Blood Favor, Overwhelming Presence, Hoarder and Coup de Grace.

There are plenty of other weak or outdated perks. But these are the ones that are so bad that I think unlocking them at all is detrimental.


  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,105

    beast of prey is bad? i use it all the time for the extra 50% hunter score and the slight mind game it adds when bloodlust activates.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Empathy is actually huge, at least for solo queue - especially when it comes to attempting to flashlight save.

    Coulrophobia and Overwhelming Presence can have their place, but I understand you choosing not to unlock them.

    I personally have them all unlocked, just to have them all on at least one character.. you never know when they'll get reworked. 😁

  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    I dont really care about polluting my survivor perk pool because I only really level up my main survivor however, while I would like to keep my killer pool clean, I just can't resist the unlockables.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    @GoshJosh Empathy is bad mainly because its outclassed by perks like Aftercare, Blood Pact and Bond in my opinion because all of those perks activate when you need healing. It's possible to be the only person injured while running Empathy and to have no information to work with.

    Also, Empathy sucks if you have a SWF cause you already get that info

  • Boddy604
    Boddy604 Member Posts: 183

    I disagree hugely on diversion. I love that perk.

    Even if the killer clues in early that you have it, it'll still usually save your ass once.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I think you are missing out in regards to Calm Spirit. I rarely play without it. It makes bank.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2020

    Coulrophobia is actually pretty good combined with Nurse's Calling; you can see them healing, and their healing gets slowed way down at the same time, so you have time to go wreck them before they finish healing.

    Coup looks bad, but it was AWESOME on the PTB (when it doubled your range for one lunge) and is still pretty good live (when it just gives you + 60% range on one lunge). It doesn't sound like much, but being able to swoop a survivor who thinks they're a safe distance from you feels great.

    Empathy is super useful, because you can see exactly where the killer is chasing a survivor, and also see where all the rest of the survivors are as long as they're injured, which helps with figuring out if someone else is already going to unhook someone, or finding someone who needs healing.

    No Mither is crappy on its own, but great combined with the two perks that give you bonuses to repairs as long as you're hurt; I always use that combo if I have a challenge to get a certain number of great skill checks.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I agree. I myself don’t always use it, but It’s really handy against The Doctor or any killer running Infectious Fright. I try to pair it with Iron Will some times.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It also helps against Iron Maiden, Make Your Choice, and anything else that makes you scream. But more important, I've found, is the Crows. The really good Killers can spot a crow take flight from halfway across the map even without the Perk: Spies in the Shadows. With that Perk they often have a near perfect progression of the Survivors as they move around. The difference in my ability to avoid the Killers is night and day since I started using it.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited December 2020

    You should unlock them - perks sometimes get changed and they may suck less some day.

    Empathy is actually pretty good. Calm Spirit isn't bad either with all the killer make the survivor scream perks they've added and it is awesome against Doctor. Technician is pretty good for when you are actually drunk while playing and don't want to blow gens - you can also purposely blow a gen with Freddy to wake up and not worry about alerting him.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Empathy is underrated when a lot of survivors don't heal and choose to opt for the generators instead. Against Plague or Legion essentially, it's even more powerful.

    It's basically global aura information for something that happens every game, to every survivor. Aftercare can be deactivated, Bond is close-range, etc.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    I think the best solution is more perks unlockable in killer blood web than survivor.

    Any 1 survivor main and the rest lvl 40, smart.

    Every killer has to power level to unlock all perks, stupid.

    It's an unfair advantage to survivors always getting the perks they WANT, but killers can hardly ever get the perks they NEED.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    A lot of those are really fun to use. If you look at it solely from the perspective of "will this build help me kill/escape?" then sure most of those can be ignored. But fooling around with lesser used perks is a lot of fun.

    Not every perk is intended to be or needs to be meta.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I wish there was a way to avoid unlocking perks without having them clog up the damn bloodweb. I still have that one bug that causes the still-locked Pig teachables to not show up on the Pig's bloodweb, and I am still thankful for it.