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Frequent EAC force-quits and Windows BSOD in the past 2 weeks?

I haven't heard anyone nor the 4.4.0 release statement mention this, so I wanted to check if anyone else is suddenly experiencing EAC force quits and Windows memory issues / BSOD?
I'm suddenly experiencing this for the past couple weeks and this never happens when I'm not playing DBD but frequently happens when I do.
The only two things of note that happened in the past two weeks are:
- DBD updates
- I did purchase additional RAM. (expanding from 2x8 to 4x8)
I'm trying to pinpoint the issue and trying to go back to the vendor re: the RAM is a bit of a chore during lockdown.
Theoretically, if it is the RAM issue I should be experiencing this when playing other games. I play Overwatch on max settings and have been playing a lot of Hearts of Iron IV lately, but i do not experience BSOD from them.
I just want to add I just took out the new RAM and tried; same issue. I have to say its definitely a DBD problem.
I was reluctant to pull out the new RAM until now because it only happens with DBD and it interrupts my workflow, but if DBD is causing me BSOD all the time I lose all my work progress anyway.
So here are the symptoms I experience with the latest DBD patch:
1) Frequent EAC warnings at inconsitent times, forcing an immediate quit.
2) Sometimes, i can play several minutes of a match without the warning. Very rarely, I can complete a full match.
3) Rarely (twice so far), on start up DBD immediately fails, claiming a windows/system32 file is untrusted, which is BS, and I checked there's ntohign to update via Windows Update.
If I persist on retrying DBD over and over I will eventualy get hit with BSOD saying memory error.