I don't understand killers

Like I went up against a PH who was hard core tunneling at 5 gens despite having ruin+undying (still love his free tunneling and zoning btw) and then a bubba who camped despite having stuff like BBQ and TT to locate survivors, and others playing really scummy, weirdly.

Like i'm just wondering why play like this? I don't play scummy as all and do fine but then I go up against stuff like this, hear killers say "survivor sided game" and "so many bt, ds, ub etc" then play like this when none of that is in play and even when running strong builds like ruin+undying

Are killers okay or?


  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    There's nothing scummy in any tactic in a videogame if it works, people just like to say that because they didn't have fun in game, which is totally fine. This is PVP game, killer isn't here to entertain survivors and survivors aren't here to entertain killer.

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    Honestly, I used to tunnel when I first started the game, but now, years later, I can truly say that theres no need to tunnel or camp. Its much easier to apply map/gen pressure and get 3 hooks on all for a 4k than it is to face camp and get gen rushed just for a 1k. This isn't all killers, but I've noticed that its mostly killers in the lower ranks. My advice? Survive with friends and pip up to get out of the baby killer zone.

  • EsotericBackwash
    EsotericBackwash Member Posts: 11

    It's not just killers. If both sides say there are jerks, then both sides prolly suck. Just cause you're a main to one side, and you THINK you're being nice doesn't mean everyone else on your side is a saint, and everyone on the other side is obviously a jerk. It's pretty obvious even if you're simple minded. Just rub your two brain cells together and really try to think about it, I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Why did the last line sound like you're the protagonist of a movie?

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't understand killers either...I only play killer in a game, not in real life...

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Depends, the survivor getting tunnelled or camped might have been toxic or have something that the killer cannot ignore like OoO or a Key.

    You don't really know since you're not seeing it from the killers perspective.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    And you can say it many many times more, and still be wrong. Its not one side, and the other just reacting.

    It might be a circle, but survivors have so much power in this game (especially over new killers), and some like to show that.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I've never had 1 death threat.

    I know they exist, but not every killer gets them. I usually end almost every end-game chat with a ggez.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    "This is the reason killers start being jerks to survivors."

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Why don't we start a petition, because those always get things done, to do this stuff in real life!

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    This is exactly it. But entitled survivors will disagree.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Why Don't u play killer for a whole month?

    Only than, u will understand. Otherwise ur playing 1 side, and assuming u have a good understanding of the game.

    Playing killer a few times doesn't count.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    Hardcore tunneling on 5 gens is usually done by competitive players who care only about winning because making a game 1vs3 early on often makes it an easy win for killers.

    Insidious Bubbas usually are trolls who intentionally camp to annoy survivors.

    Nothing new here.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I've seen this from both sides, even though I play mostly on console I have played some PC matches and there were some horrific things said by both parties. I was scared to play online for awhile because of how intense the people who play this game can get, and I wasn't ready to let someone who lost/won ruin my day. I avoid the chats on PC and turn off messaging in general, that way I can play the game and get better without being told off by anyone. Nobody likes playing with a jerk or sore loser, and unfortunately there are a lot of them in every game.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    I think if you're seeing more of this it's a combination of killers that don't play this way losing interest in the role for various reasons, and maybe a few killers (probably not a lot of them) deciding to take another bad patch out on every survivor they can since it's about the only aspect of the game they can have some sense of control over besides outright leaving (which in itself lacks the sense if they see it as being run off of the game) or their only way to express themselves and be heard by the community and devs through the community's complaints they may desire for. Theres alsot he sorts that just enjoy coming onto forums later to hope they find threads about what they did or other players playing like them did for the satisfaction, lol. it was already rainbowing me as survivor again recently before the mori (a solo survivor) so I can imagine that might have a role in a few more figuring they have to tunnel or camp more too.

    Best thing you can do is feel nothing about it, and don't care about the outcome of the match one way or the other. You take the power backf or yourself that way, it doesn't matter if they believe they've made you feel frustrated, what matters is being in control. And that's how you do it in either role in this game and most games of this sort. Remind yourself most of them aren't important and their own thoughts and feelings don't matter more than your own. That's a good way to come out of 2020 less stressed in general, not just out of dbd. The more self-aware you are, the more in control of yourself you are, and by that point the more in control of others less self-aware or more focused on the wrong things you are as well.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I occasionally get called a camper/tunneller when I objectively was not doing those things. I recently had a team call me a tunneller even though all 4 of them had DS and not one of them got to use it. I got all 4 of my BBQ stacks before hooking anyone for the 2nd time. So.... wut?

    Other times I'm forced to camp or tunnel because survivors make stupid decisions. Like: I get my first hook and turn around to see 3 survivors swarming around, trying to rush the hook with BT or making completely obvious attempts to bait me away. So I camp, because I've literally got all 4 survivors off gens and in the same spot.

    And I can't even count the number of times some Blendette has gotten a hook save and then crouched off into the bushes, leaving their teammate injured and vulnerable when I rotate back to the hook. If I play hide and seek with the Blendie I waste loads of time. If I slug the injured survivor I create map pressure and potentially punish the Blendette by taking away her "safe unhook" BP.

    Sure there are scummy killers out there, but please remember that killers do not have a monopoly on stupidity. Ofttimes a killer camping and tunnelling is just them capitalizing on the mistakes of your team.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Watch this.

    Then the killer gets mad and calls out survivors for gen rushing, even tho he had Strong perks and Addons but never made the correct use of them.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    If you don't understand killers, then play killer. If you don't understand survivors, play survivor.

  • Ps4 player here- I turned on crossplay to get a break from the post-game pissy DMs. I keep a balance on killer & solo survivor play and see the worst of both- and ngl I'd take a toxic killer over toxic teammates or playing killer vs toxic survivors. It's also easier to take an L from a toxic killer than play as a killer and taking an L since your match doesn't end after being tunnel hooked

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I've been getting face camped a lot lately. On one hand, it makes me laugh. The killer is too stubborn to admit I'm better than they are, so they throw the game and chase me for 3+ gens, then face camp me. Like, my dude, go find someone else to chase. It's also kinda funny to see my red rank teammates too scared to make a save and let me die on my first hook when I just let them get the easy win, but it is what it is.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I feel like killers are just getting lazier and slackier every day, not all, but a fair few.

    Back in the day when killers had to deal with all the bs of 2016, they complained no where near as much, they just got the job done. Now that changes have been made to make the game balanced, instead of embracing the changes and accepting that the game is far more balanced now, they want more. It's like someone who's greedy for more power. Many people are trying to tilt the scales.

    It also doesn't help that many killers come in with the mentality of "I need a 4k or this game is unbalanced". You should be getting a 2k on average if balance means anything. (that is provided however you are vsing survivors of equivalent skill level, something matchmaking skews alot)