Match Making Rework Request

It is 2018. Do we really still have to struggle with basics on a multiplayer game. The core "Linking Player" should be seamless and continues. There are so many online / multiplayer games that gets this right and equally get it wrong. This one is supper annoying. Invite a friend, Join, wait , disconnect because ping is ridiculousness, Invite a friend again, Join, wait, Killer disconnected, invite AGAIN, Join, Wait, play. Then if that is not a tedious enough task, the invite is also 3 steps. Really?
Let us invite friend an hit join. Done. When we end the session Stay in the group/party and just hit join again. Why this entire process. Its extra code extra time and frankly breaks my experience. Please fix this. It will not be difficult to google best and worst multiplayer match making and see what works and what not.