Myers buffs

Myers is shockingly awful the way he is right now. His stalk progression is painfully slow at base. J Myers memorial should be base kit and he’d still suck after that. He needs some serious buffs or a rework because right now he’s incredibly underwhelming. No map pressure, his chase potential is good, but only while in T3 which you can only do so much throughout a match. Please look into fixing him or ask the community for ideas because for one of the horror genres greatest killers, he’s a brick
EW1 should just be removed at this point. Everyone can see him since he's tall and it takes him forever to get out of it and just hinders his ability to pressure survivors.
In fact, against good survivors, by the time you get out of EW1 and down a survivor, 2-3 gens are already done.
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To be honest and from my point of view, I am main myers and in fact easy to use, the only thing I think is that they should increase the movement speed on EW1 to get to EW2. should increase stalking speed. Almost when I play with him I never lose and I've been playing for 7 months, with perks and addons to upload it or see his aura is already op, you just have to keep up with him and take advantage of his power, I assure you that he does not need any improvement and that he is well balanced how is it going.