can we talk about victors locker animation

JCZ Member Posts: 57

the animation itself is good it looks cool and works as intended but the fact that it takes 10 seconds for the survivor to break free, and when switching back to charlotte it takes about 4 seconds to be able to move freely, so essentially, you get 6 seconds to get to a locker that the injured or healthy survivor freely hopped into. Just saying a base of 15 seconds plus returning to charlotte faster would not be the end of the world to survivors.


  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    The issue is not 10 seconds locker block, the issue is that 5 seconds are like eating ds every time you use your power.

    I think that 10 seconds are fair, 15 seconds blocked in a locker with no way out would be really unhealthy. They should make charlotte waking up insanely faster

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    The devs said they are monitoring the effects of the 10 seconds and all and if they notice it’s not enough they will try to adjust it.

    keep in mind that you are not supposed to get a free locker grab, but even if the survivor gets out you should have gotten near enough to hit or at least chase them.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    The reason Charlotte needs to take long for wake up is, that you need to be able to escape, otherwise Surveillance would be meta on her as it grants free insta hits. Same to proxy camping

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Victor can't see anything related to perks other than explosions, she could camp 1 gen over 7 and she has the long ass wake up only when she hits healthy survivors or decides to take control of herself. When a survivor kicks victor waking up is instant.

    I think that devs made it so that she can't attack a survivor which victor is clinged on but they didn't get that there's no way someone could ever double tap a survivor with the twins unless said survivor is using charlotte as "loop".

    And even if a survivor would ever be repairing a gen while charlotte is camping it, there's a loud cue which is already enough to get enough distance on her, but again a survivor repairing a gen near charlotte is willingly taking a risk of getting hit.

    P.S. even if waking up was instant there's no way charlotte could ever grab anyone since she cant use victor while facing objects nearer than 4 meters