Why do we need 1000 new posts about Mori's

Why do people feel the need to create their own post about mori's when there are already active ones? Is it a need for attention that makes them create a new one instead of replying to existing ones?
+ Before it is said, I understand the irony of me making a post to complain about the posts :)
Because bunch of killers can't play without mori.
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Because the Dev's had the audacity to nerf them before Keys. /s
The nerf could've came at a better time, sure, but your right - The forums have been pretty much nothing but discussions on Mori's.
Post edited by NomiNomad on2 -
I'm not going into that debate as this is about the posts, not the changes themselves.
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Mori's first or Keys first, you would have seen the same overreaction from people.
What they should have done...On the page explaining the mori changes, was have a footnote mentioning there will be key changes upcoming, and perhaps I idea to what they are planning, just to relieve some of the blood pressure issue people have experienced.
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Is it really that suprising ? Whenever each side gets any changes that don't benefit them they'll make 100 posts per day about it right besides another 100 posts about tunneling/camping, gen rushing/looping.
If the changes were better, there would be less posts about it. They should have taken more from the feedback on mori changes that were posted over the years and also release them simultaneously with key changes.
They decided to raise number 1 to 2 rushing the mori changes and not even release both with the keys at the same time so people are upset him with badly it was all handled.
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That's what I've been wondering
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As a survivor main, i believe that with the nerf to mori's that they also need to nerf keys. Everyone knows that keys are the survivors version of the mori and both are overpowered already. If not outright deleting them giving them more of a rework than just making them second hook now instead of first hook. They should have released the nerfs at the same time because now killers are outraged that keys are still OP yet the mori is not anymore.
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Why do people need to make posts complaining about people who make posts to complain?
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Because this forum has always beaten the horse so badly that the horse is nothing but a puddle and people are at this point just smacking wet ground where the horse used to be.
I've never understood why there isn't just a rule about one thread per topic. Yes, Mori got nerfed. We don't need 50 topics all saying that Mori got nerfed...
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why do people what to discuss something from their post as a starting point when making their own opinion rather than piggyback on one other post for literally no response 99% of the time
idk man seems kinda fishy to me
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Because people come to the forums specifically to make a post, and don’t read the 999 posts about the same topic that came before. Plenty of us are guilty of doing it.
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Yes how dare people discus things happening in this game on the games forums so Disgusting
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What do you think would happen if the roles were reverse? Like if keys were changed first and then moris?
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There was no audacity; no boldness or daring shamelessness. They were not attempting to go WHAT NOW, COME AT ME BRO and provoke any fights. They issued an easy (such as it is with this game) fix for a defective, degenerative game mechanic. I agree that keys are a major issue too, but one fix should not hold up another fix. People have this imagined sense of equity or justice that pertains to game balance. That isn't how anything works.
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Because it is a big thing, moris are a huge part of unbalanced things in the game.
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You have missed the entire point. If they want to discuss the changes, that fine. The point is that they can do that on any of the existing posts!
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I noticed it as well and I have no idea xd
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I was just being sarcastic. I don't think they were daring anything at all, but a ton of people seem to think this makes them the most survivor sided thing in existence.
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Oh, haha sorry. It's hard to detect sarcasm on the Internet, especially on this forum.
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Oh nah, it's fine. A lot of killers are treating this as like a personal offense or something, it's weird.
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It's that weird expectation of justice thing I talked about. People don't understand how things look from the inside.
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Deleted would be better
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why do we need a post about complaining about mori threads, shouldn't you have just commented under all of the mori threads instead
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Now that Moris have been nerfed into extinction, can we also nerf their cost? 7000 bp is a little steep for the iridescent mori which is barely worth a 3k cost now.
I just don't want to have to shell out 7k bp for a junk tier bloodweb item that I'll only choose if it's the only path to completing said blood web.
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because people are pissed and in some of their cases typing is probably more fun than playing for a while
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I love how it took off exactly like the others😂