I have seen so many ppl say that rank means nothing in the game - which i agree because a red rank can still do poorly in game...im mainly talking about survivors. I feel like being a red rank means nothing it doesnt mean that your really good honestly i feel like it just means u play the game alot. I have played with a lot of survivors who did really horrible and come to find out they are red ranks in the end - I just dont understand whats the point of ranks in the game. What does it mean to you? (really need opinions)


  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    The worst teammates I ever have are red and purple. They're the most selfish and unwilling to play the game by far. It's kinda sad.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Survivor wise, players can easily be boosted to red rank via constant SWF matches. This tends to negate the rank’s legitimacy concerning matters of equaling a certain skill set.

    What I’ve experienced through playing 90% of my DBD matches since I started playing this game, primarily in Solo queue:

    1 Red rank Survivor usually gets paired with a Red rank Killer.

    During certain times of the evening, these two will be mismatched with a mixed bag of ranks/ experience/inexperience.

    The green rank Jeff a few meters away from a hooked survivor, who insists on completely finishing his gen while 2 other survivors are in the process of being hooked. Killer returns, Jeff is chased, everyone dies.

    The Green rank Kate, urban evading down into the basement to rescue a Nea with Kindred from the insidious Bubba with the chainsaw who she confidently believes she can slyly sneak past... then the Green rank Claudette, who immediately after Kate (also with Kindred) is then hooked, watches pink Bubba still standing there in the corner, and follows suit to her own demise.

    Green ranks unhooking w/o BT in the killer’s terror radius.

    Yellow ranks double tapped in less than a 15second chase.

    Brown ranks standing still as the killer approaches, then crouch walking away in plain sight.

    Inexperienced players are often neg pips all around.

    While there are experienced green/ yellow rank players who have deranked over the course of not playing for a few months, they’re far and few inbetween the masses of inexperienced players in these ranks.

    I only have ever had a handful of Solo matches with fellow red ranks who messed around, did next to nothing and made pitifully foolish mistakes that proved detrimental to the entire team. (That’s on console... I’m told PC is an entirely different animal altogether)

    Ranks do hold more meaning then anyone gives them credit for after the mention of MMR (which was in play for all of about 5min, and even then it was a mismatched mess). Nevertheless, they cannot always accurately portray a players true level of experience or skill.

    Thats jus imo, from what I’ve experienced

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    It means that you play regularly. That's about it really.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,822

    I agree that it seems too easy to rank up as Survivor, and that red ranks is stuffed with too wide a range of skill levels for it to be valid for matchmaking. I've had tons of matches where I feel like I literally contributed nothing but somehow walked away with a bunch of gold emblems.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    When I play killer, I can tell after chasing every survivors, or about two-three minutes in a game, if I'm having a rainbow rank squad. People will say that ranks don't matter, but I've yet to find a group that I couldn't smell the green-yellowness from, by the way they moved to what priorities they had. There ARE exceptions, usually smurfers or people that didn't play for a while, but those are rare.

    Rank is an indicator of experience as well as play time, yeah. There are potato red ranks, that's definitely true, but there are way more potato green/yellow and even purple ranks.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Absolutely nothing. Survivors get boosted to red rank, so their ranks don't matter. Killers rank up by going against boosted Survivors, so their ranks don't matter much either.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Rank 1 means you're the best of the best.

    A consistent Rank 1 means you're going to be paired up with the best of the best.

    In MY REGION, Rank 1 survivors are looping Gods, they're gen jockies+great loopers.

    Rank 1 killers are the top of the line, cannot be compared to Purple or Green ranks.

    Again, MY REGION in Los Angeles. They're the reason I cannot do killer dailies, if you even think about coming out of your comfort zone, you'll regret it. I stick to Nurse, and Spirit. That's that.

    Again, MY REGION.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    The higher my rank the better my queue times. That's literally the only thing that matters, because this game's loading screens and downtime between gameplay is atrocious enough, even when you don't count queues. you also can't put points into killer bloodwebs while you're queuing or in a lobby anymore, so it's now even worse. So having a high rank for instant queues definitely helps a lot.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    Rank doesn't really mean a great deal to me personally on either side, it just means that the game has been played a bit. Especially with only going back to purple ranks at rank reset, it's only a few matches before you're in red ranks again. I've seen good & bad players in red ranks and I've seen some skilled ones in lower ranks (they just don't play the game that much).

  • Grum_P
    Grum_P Member Posts: 79

    I completely agree, for the killer side, I think that it exhibits some level of skill that you have. But for the survivors, I just think it shows how much you play the game. You can play against a rank 3 and think from the way that they're playing that they're a rank 20. Same way with rank 17s or rank 20s. It could be just that they haven't played in a while and they're actually a god at looping.

  • KSzerker
    KSzerker Member Posts: 191

    Rank means you're good or bad at playing by the arbitrary guidelines set by the devs. A survivor can loop the killer for 5 gens every game, but if you don't do other things you'll never rank up.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756


  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I am hitting the point of not caring about ranks.

    I had a few goals I wanted to accomplish.

    Rank 1 killer, when I first got that I was quite proud. Now sometimes it feels like a chore.

    Then red rank survivor, I did this with a swf. Which was cool but I knew I was boosted.

    Lastly, my red rank solo journey. Which I just completed. I still feel completely boosted, however I know I am a good teammate and a competent survivor, I just need to keep working on the loops.

    I guess I feel red rank killers tend to be pretty good. They tend to know the game, how to run the loops and keep the pressure on. Although this often can also mean a lot of slugging, which I understand, time is the game.

    Skill for red rank survivors varies a great deal. Those 4 man god loopers and gen rushers are the optimal . The bottom feeders still urban around and won't touch a genny.

    I definitely think Solo Que will make you a better player, but at the cost of many frustrating games and bad plays by your teammates.

    I say get rid of ranks, open the ques to all, and well you win some and you lose some.

    I understand some of these games will suck for newer players. But at least they will learn how the game is played when they are done cutting their teeth and gained the same experience.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Rank means nothing to me except a higher concentration of sweaty players the higher I get.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    below 8 = absolute baby

    rank 1 or 2 = sad you see you reached this rank by tunneling and camping....

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    I love the mmr experment because it shows what happens when you took rank entirely out of the game. So many people wanted the old system back because when everyone started at zero the difference in rank skill level was blatatntly obvious.

    On the highest level rank does nothing to distinguish you from the best but it does a solid job weeding out weaker from the better players. What i cant stand about this community is there are only two kinds of players good and bad. Its like everyone forgets were human.

    Being on tilt nah just a crap player. Struggling with a map. Must be awful survivour/killer. Man why cant you play better against x killer you must be crap. This is the kind of crap I see daily tho its often dumbed down to crap player. Man gaming communities are narrow minded.

    Next time you have a moment of anger remind yourself the opponet or ally is a human they have there good and bad moments hell some of them might gasp want to play the game without just pushing gens 24/7 or play optimum killer builds. Maybe they want to do an item hunt or want to do something that isnt holding m1 or playing a traditional killer game.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    Nothing, I'm still rank 1 bcs of my playstile but for me means more tryhard

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    This idea that only survivors rank up easily is straight up silly. I ask you a thought provoking question. Are there more rank 1 survivors or rank 1 killers (PC Players)

    Think about it for a minute, alright have you made your choice. Alright go to the DBD Stats website and go and check. But I'll act as a spoiler for you, it's roughly neck and neck.

    That's right, even though survivors have way more players than killer, on the PC platform the numbers of rank 1 killers is roughly the same as rank 1 survivors.

    Ask yourself why that would be, haha. Is it because survivors are boosted or is it because playing Killer and being rank 1 with killer is ridiculously easy?

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Rank means little to me. All it does is let me know how long someone has played this game, so I know that they have a decent amount of experience. However, you'd say otherwise if you saw how they play sometimes...

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    How much time a person plays in a month

  • eiredrake
    eiredrake Member Posts: 98

    Generally nothing.

    At the end of the match it's inevitably the rank 1's, 2's and 3's that are the jerks and the rank 20's that do all the camping. Might be confirmation bias but seems like that is how it goes most often. Flashlight clickers and teabaggers are almost always < 5

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    what number I am

  • Zhon
    Zhon Member Posts: 12

    Bruh I went away from the game before the release of Deathslinger and returned in November. I was bottom yellow rank, 15 I guess? Let me tell ya, it is hell down there. Longer queues, survs afraid of killer terror radius, not looking behind a single time during chases, terrible gen pick (doing the far ones first), and so on. Dumb killers camping 1 dude while I gen rushed them. Climbing as killer was uber fast, like getting to top green (9?) in one seat of gaming session. Surv took a little longer because I'm kinda a potato looper bashing at walls while looking behind. Things only start to get more "meta" on purple ranks.

    Anw, red ranks are a matter of time, simply. I've originally reached 1 on both roles with less than 200h of gameplay iirc, how could I be compared to the dudes with thousands of hours put into this? Thing is, at red ranks it's quite safe to assume the player know what is happening around them, identifying perks, making reads of what is happening and such. Even if the mechanic execution is potato-ish (hell, I get beaten up frequently on both roles with 700h of game time), the game theory isn't lame.

    My guess is that the only way to improve from here is trying ther mmr system.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    The same as it should mean to everyone else: nothing. Survivor rank has always been more of a time-spent thing.

    Killer rank might have meant something in the early days of dbd but it is so god damn easy to play killer these days that it means nothing now.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    Right now, being rank 1 on killer kind of reminded me how far I came. I started the game as a (basically) perkless nurse and now I am a rank 1 Nurse killer. And although I am only a good nurse, definitely not a great one, the rank 1 kind of helps calm those voices that tell me I'm complete ######### at this game.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Rank currently for me means = harder time to get adept and feel like depipping just to get it easily since the rank reset is a joke.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    A reminder of how much spare time I've had in the last month, and that I'm better than at least 45% of players.

    Rank 1 means nothing.

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    Pain, Sweat, and Toxicity. Wouldn't be as bad if mmr worked, and I really don't mind when I can actually learn something from them, but curbstomping someone new and still learning then bragging about it is just bad sportsmanship.

    It's like someone in a Destroyer class ship bragging about blowing a guy in a rowboat out of the water. No sh*t you won, I have two perks to my name, enjoy the next barrel of fish. XD

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Red Rank survivors are complete wildcards because depipping as a survivor is hard but pipping is relatively easy.

    Red Rank killers can still be potato depending on who they play, but since pipping get so much harder as you climb, they generally can be described as their rank.