We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.


I just switched and wow. The PC version is a huge difference. Playing killer is like a new game. I now realize how many times I missed hits because of lag and frame drops. I feel like I have aimbot on PC. Playing the nurse on console sucked but I grinded my way through until I became a good red rank nurse in console. PC is way easier. Took me like 4 games to get the feel of nurse with a mouse and after that it was just slaughters of 4Ks with 1 perk only. Even the load times with an SSD is crazy. You can navigate the menus lag free and leave the lobby score screen in seconds to be back and ready for another match.


  • Impact
    Impact Member Posts: 89

    I'm a PS4 Pro player myself and have not played the game on PC, but I've long suspected your experience to be the case. I would watch Youtube videos of devestating nurse players. But on PS4 its like, "Ha! Another nurse. I'll probably escape with ease." So far, I've avoided deadly PC nurses, because I suppose they're in purple and red ranks most of the time. Since the introduction of crossplay I've noticed that 'projectile killers' such as Huntress and Deathslinger are something to be feared. On PS4, you can run around as survivor, right in front of the killer, knowing there's a good chance their hatchets or harpoons will miss - not with PC! You know you're playing against a PC Huntress when you are running in a zig-zag pattern, but a hatchet hits you from halfway across the map.