DBD maps thoughts and more.

hi im over 4k dbd player and customer. a veteran pro gamer whom spent a lot of time and money in dbd.

my thought about the map change is cool but there is more to it.

i honestly dont believe that making the maps smaller will be healthy for the game. it makes it really boring because there is no sense of adventure when you are running around it. the smaller it is the less enjoyable it is.

when you make the maps smaller then you basically remove the aspect of horror and make it into aspect of competitive gameplay with constant pressure.

there are too many dead zones in the new maps and no places to hide anymore ( i never hide tho because i reached the cap of skill already but many others do and sometimes is necessary).

i really loved the older maps from 2019. now that you added undying to the game, some of the new maps actually becoming killer sided maps instead of balanced ones while some are still strong with infinite kinda loops against slower killers.

now killer meta perk combo is undying-ruin-tinkerer-corrupt. is nearly impossible to beat with randoms that dont have much of a skill to deal with such broken meta.

clearly i can loop killers for minutes doesnt matter the skill. but still can lose due to broken meta and weak survivors.

i am mostly playing killer on the highest level but im also master tier survivor player.

people complain about the size of the maps but that isnt the real problem, the problem was always genspeed.

with ruin undying corrupt and tinkerer the problem is kinda solved. if the maps were like they were before the change then slowing the gens by 5% would be a great help with the ruin undying corrupt combo, also is harder to cleanse totems on bigger maps which is good.

the game should be playable as solo survivor and not just swfs. right now its only enjoyable as swf. solo life is hell because killers will get their big guns and top meta gears to verse swfs yet they will face randoms most of the time.

if you noticed, streamers like otzdarva and others are doing 50streak wins challenges with every killer. is really bad and unhealthy and proves my point that those guys which are not even as good as i am at the moment can do that. and yes i did it many times as well. clearly they wont be able to do it to us, but how about the solo players?

i ask you not to make all the maps small, it will be really boring game if that happen. already there are so many dead zones in dbd is really no longer matter of skill is all about rng and i hope this will change. and rng sucks when it comes to pvp games.

i had a tournament that we barely lost due to rng only. the other team got like 3 jungle jyms which 1 of them was next to the killer shack and they had the best tiles in the game. meanwhile we got 0 jungle jyms, not even proper t walls, we got really bad tiles and we had to struggle because we had nowhere to hide or loop. it was absurd and completely unfair.(same map btw).

losing due to RNG isnt fun. is really annoying. also dead hard never works and even tho i have optic fiber network it makes no difference, my ping is like 70, i shouldnt be hit while my deadhard is activated perfectly yet i get hit and its really bad to the point where im forced to play with lithe or go back to play overwatch where i dont get biased hits.

i appreciate the care for the game, i used to be a killer main before starting to play both sides. and let me tell you this, yes in the past without undying perk and the big maps it would be really bad for killers to play. but now is different, the killers got what they wanted and they should stop complain all the time. really top tier killers can do a lot. nurse spirit and huntress are still insane if mastered. deathslinger can never be looped if really mastered.(only on some maps).

in any case, thats my opinion. im sure its vaild but i know you guys do what profits you. so all i can do is to hope the maps will get better and be more balanced for both sides and not small maps that are unfun for both sides.

