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which character to buy with fragments

hello I wanted to ask which of the characters that can be bought with fragments is better because I am between the legion, oni and spirit if you could help me I would appreciate it


  • herrik666
    herrik666 Member Posts: 191

    If you want perks I would go for Legion, discordance is definetly the best perk of the bunch you got there. Otherwise if you are searching for something a bit more challenging to play but still very strong either Oni or Spirit are good chioces (with Spirit being the superior choice perk-wise)

  • jdr27
    jdr27 Member Posts: 18

    I think either of them are great but heres the thing, if you want to use Legion i would recommend using thanatophobia also his perks are excellent specially discordance, but i wouldnt recommend legion since hes not that good overall. I heard that the Oni is super fun, but he doesnt have perks that are that good, personally i am buying the oni next since he seems super fun, and finally spirit is a great killer and her perks are good, but either way one of those three picks are great