Love getting sandbagged.

Especially when the killer is near hook when I have Kindred so everyone can clearly see it and they run up and yank me off the hook without BT on top of it all. Solo ques are great.
I hate getting farmed like that too! I'm a solo and kindred is wonderful, but you will always have teams that don't care. Not everyone likes self care but I pack it for three reasons: Franklin's Demise, bad teammates, and spiting bad teammates who want to heal me at the gates even though they didn't help me when I helped them lol!
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Yeah kindred is not such a great perk in solo q somtimes. The moment they'll see somebody else is going for the hook they just rush to yank you before the other guy gets there
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I didn't need to be called out like this,,, I need those bp! But the good thing about two people at the hook is that they can protect you and speed up the healing process!
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lol if only they they did that. They yoinked me off and just ran away in the opposite yeah you're a great teammate.
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you gotta love the pricks that stand waiting at a pallet to slam it in your face and get you downed so they can run off and get totem points and do a gen or find the hatch to camp or use a key on while you get camped
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Conversely I love when people sandbag when I'm Pyramid Head, not only do i down the hooked survivor again, I get a free hit on the "Unhooker"