You can't name and shame here, man. Sorry that this happened to you, those games suck, but this info should be linked directly to the devs. Posting it here could get you banned.
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sorry guys, didn't know how else to report them. and they don't give me the option to delete my post, i'm looking everywhere. not taking the video off youtube tho. that's fair game.
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@katergames said:
sorry guys, didn't know how else to report them. and they don't give me the option to delete my post, i'm looking everywhere. not taking the video off youtube tho. that's fair game.The best thing you could do is edit the post and change it to something that doesn't show the killer's name. Maybe reword the text to ask what the best way to report them is and hopefully a mod can give you a clear answer.
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@ShrimpTwiggs Yeah, I deleted his name. I really do apologize. I wasn't sure at all how to do it. I did find the report system they implemented finally. It really wasn't intended to be mean, it was a total mistake on my part. Thanks for letting me know.
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@katergames said:
@ShrimpTwiggs Yeah, I deleted his name. I really do apologize. I wasn't sure at all how to do it. I did find the report system they implemented finally. It really wasn't intended to be mean, it was a total mistake on my part. Thanks for letting me know.No problem. Glad I could help. :chuffed:
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So their report system won't actually let me submit the report... Can a mod please help me
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@katergames said:
So their report system won't actually let me submit the report... Can a mod please help meYou can tag a mod, like @MandyTalk
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@ShrimpTwiggs thanks.
@MandyTalk I need some help. I finally found the report system. I filled out the entire form, uploaded the video to it, did the recaptcha, and hit submit, but all it did was grey out the submit button so i couldn't press it again. I didn't get any sort of confirmation (page or email). What can I do to send in my video proof of lagswitching if the request page doesn't work?
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Too bad someone quoted your original post with the killer's profile in it... Damage already done.
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@TheBean I did my part to delete an honest mistake, and I can't delete his comment, so if you're trying to make me feel bad, I don't.