Fan-made DLC: Slenderman

HelmetSouls Member Posts: 3

Killer Power

The Slender



-32m Terror Radius 


A mysterious figure born in fog, feeding on the fear from his victims to fuel his Consumption. As he sucks the very sanity from their husk, he becomes more and more unpredictable in nature. His personal perks, Unseen Oppressor, Witness, and Hex: Arrival, allows him to hide in the shadows, spread dread amongst survivors, and make escape nearly impossible.

Power: Consumption

Your presence fills the atmosphere with an unexplainable sense of dread. A simple glance upon your horrid figure will consume the onlookers very mind and soul.

Press the Active Ability button to active Consumption. Consumption can be active for up to 40 seconds at a time. Cancel at any time. Consumption can only be activated when fully replenished. While active, you are invisible unless standing within a 12 meter range.

Your movement speed is decreased to 4.4m/s. 

Consumed builds up twice as fast when Survivors look at you.

Once Consumption is active, tendrils will erupt from The Myth's back, allowing him to stare down a survivor and build up their Consumed tier.

Tier 1 Consumed:

-Survivors are inflicted with the Blindness status effect for 5 seconds.

Tier 2 Consumed: 

-Inflicts Blindness for 15 seconds

-Inflicts the Hindred status effect for 5 seconds

-Survivor auras are shown to you when within 2 meters of them 

Tier 3 Consumed:

Their minds and body now belong to an eldritch terror. There is nothing but fear and agony.

-Permanently inflicts Blindness

-Survivor auras are revealed to you when within a 4 meter range

-Survivors become Broken upon injury

-Survivor breathing and grunts of pain are increased by 25%

-Survivor POV slightly decreased

Once in Tier 3, survivors will have the ability to "Collect Yourself" in order to snap out of all tiers. Being placed on the hook will restore survivors to Tier 1 automatically.

There are 8 Pages scattered across the map. Survivors will be shown the aura of a page when standing within an 8 meter range. Pages cannot be seen by The Myth. Pages are accounted for collectively as a team. The Exit Gates cannot be powered until all 8 Pages are accounted for. Blindness does not effect the Page aura reading

Special Ability: Ravage

Your power is one with The 8 Pages. The growing odds of your victims escaping alters your collective attack into a desire for carnage.

You start the trial with 0 tokens. For each Page collected by the survivors, gain 1 token. 

-1 token: Survivors gain a 5% Haste status effect for 10 seconds, then the Hindred status effect for 5

-2 tokens: Gain a permanent 10% vault speed increase

-3 tokens: Permanently increased movement speed by 0.5%

-4 tokens: Terror Radius reduced to 24 meters 

-5 tokens: Permanently increased movement speed by 0.5%

-6 tokens: Gain the Undetectable status effect for 20 seconds

-7 tokens: All survivor auras are revealed to you for 2 seconds every 60 seconds, and all survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect for 10 seconds

-8 tokens: Exit Gates can now be powered, all Consumed Tiers are cleared, you can no longer activate Consumption. Survivors will instantly recover from any negative status effects. However, all survivor auras are revealed to you for 2 seconds, your terror radius is increased to 64 meters.

Killer Perks

Perks: Unseen Oppressor, Witness, Hex: Arrival

Unseen Oppressor: You hide in the shadows. Those who attempt to uncover your secrets shall regret their decisions. Start the Trial with 3 tokens. Each time your aura should be revealed to a survivor, it is hidden, lose a token. Once all 3 tokens are consumed, all survivors within your terror radius will suffer from the Blindness status effect for 40/50/60 seconds. 

"Always watching. No eyes." -The 8 Pages

Witness: Your name is believed to be nothing but an urban legend. The few who survive your glance share the terror with others. When a survivor escapes a chase with you, next time they perform a cooperative action, all survivors involved have their aura revealed to you for 15 seconds and suffer from the Oblivious status effect. Only 1 survivor can carry the trigger for Witness at a time. Witness has a cooldown of 70/60/50 seconds.

"It's okay Kate. The woods are beautiful. They're so beautiful, Kate." -CR

Hex: Arrival: The nature of your arrival is set to curse the mortals that behold your presence, making escape nearly impossible. When a survivor escapes chase with you, Hex: Arrival activates and the survivor will suffer from the Exhausted status effect so long as they are within 16 meters of you. Once this happens, if the survivor gets farther than 16 meters from you without being put into the dying state, they suffer from the Exposed status effect for 10/20/30 seconds and scream. Hex: Arrival can only affect one survivor at a time. Hex: Arrival has a cooldown of 50 seconds. 

"I have work for you Kate." -The Slenderman 

Killer Add-ons


Running Shoes: The lost shoes of a child, left behind in the cold rainy night

-Slightly increases Consumption recovery rate

Crucifix: A symbol that protects those who believe in a higher power, and greatly agitates you.

-Movement speed reduces to 4.2m/s while Consumption is active

-Gain 100% more Bloodpoints in the Deviousness category

Night lamp: Meant to make children feel safe at night, hardly anything to a being like you

-Your Obsession suffers from the Blindness status effect for 3 seconds every time they enter your terror radius

Safety flares: Common tool of those who venture into your territory, a welcomed invitation to find your victims

-Survivors with Tier 2 or higher Consumed are slightly more visible


Bloody Jacket: Whatever became of its wearer...

-When in Consumed Tier 2 and up, the range at which you see survivor auras is increased by 2 meters

Old Journal: Nothing but bitter ramblings from an unsuspecting traveler

-Survivors in Consumed Tier 2 suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 20 seconds

Owl Skull: A creature of the night, one who watches from the shadows much like you.

-You are invisible when Consumption is active and standing 8 meters away from the survivors, rather than 12

-Increases Consumption duration by 20 seconds

Doll Eyes: The eyes of a doll which you took to remember its owner

-Slightly increases the rate at which survivors gain tiers of Consumed

-Slightly increases the Consumption recovery rate

Bloody Curtains: Your victims are never safe, even in familiar environments

-When the exit gates are powered, all survivors are permanently exhausted and receive a 2% decrease to Opening Exit Gates speeds


The Sign: A mysterious mark edged into an oak tree, depicting your arrival

-Survivors start the trial with Consumed tier 1

-Survivor auras are revealed to you for 1 second whenever they gain a tier of Consumed

CR's Letter: Desperate warnings of impending doom. Past trauma returns to haunt those who escape you.

-Instead of inflicting Blindness in any Consumed tier, inflict the Exhausted status effect instead

-Moderately increases Consumption recovery rate

"It sometimes sounds like whispers." -CR

Bloody Rope: The insanity you inflicted upon this victim was unbearable. You need not take their life, they have done the job for you.

-The Obsession will have their healing speeds decreased by 10%. Guarantees an Obsession 

-Every other survivor receives a 5% decrease to healing and repairing speeds when in Tier 3 Consumed

-Your terror radius when Consumption is active increases by 8 meters

Broken Necklace- Ripped off the neck of a previous victim. Relish in the blood of the taken.

Once at least 5 Pages have been found by the survivors, the following occurs:

-Injuring survivor will inflict them with the Haemorrhage status effect

-Next time the afflicted survivor is healed, they will scream

-All survivors will gain a 10% increase to healing speeds


Matheson Family Portrait: Those who stand against you will share their torment with their closest loved ones. Once at least 4 Pages have been found, the following occurs:

-When a survivor is within 6 meters of at least another survivor, they will passively gain Consumed Tiers

-Increases Consumption duration by 20 seconds

Eyes of The Taken: The eyes of a victim pulled from their skull while they still screamed. They now feed your accursed glance. When Consumption is active, the following occurs:

-Survivor auras are revealed to you when within a 16 meter range

-Moderately increases the rate at which Consumed tiers are gained

-You do not turn invisible

-Survivors in Tier 3 Consumed will see an illusionary red stain behind them

"Don't look or it takes you" -The 8 Pages

Teddy Bear: A lost teddy bear which once belonged to Charlie Matheson Jr. Echoes of a past life, lost to the forest.

-When exiting Consumption, gain the Undetectable status effect for 10 seconds

-Survivors within your terror radius will suffer from a 10% decrease to healing speeds, but receive a 5% increase to repairing and cleansing speeds

-When a survivor completes a generator cooperatively inside your terror radius, all survivors involved will be Exposed for 15 seconds and scream.

"Charlie? Charlie…?..."

Child of Slender: A human skull with The Sign carved deeply onto its frame. A faithful proxy in life, and in death

-Your movement speed whilst Consumption is active does not decrease

-Per Page collected, gain a 2% increase to Breaking speeds

-Survivor item consumption rates are increased by 200% when within your terror radius


Kate's Journal: The one who got away, lived to write her experiences in her journal. It forces you now to change your familiar behaviour and act in an unprecedented manner. There are now only 4 Pages for the survivors to find. The previously explained effects from Pages no longer apply. Instead:

-1 token: Gain a 1% movement speed increase

-2 tokens: Gain the Undetectable status effect for 30 seconds and gain a 1% movement speed increase

-3 tokens: Gain a 1% movement speed increase, survivors are permanently exhausted, gain an increased lunge

-4 tokens: Lose all previously mentioned effects. Permanently receive a 4.4m/s movement speed. However, when the Exit Gates are powered, survivor auras are revealed to you indefinitely

(Cannot be paired with Iridescent Sign)

"He's here…" -Kate

Iridescent Sign: The mark of your arrival, drawn with the blood of the innocents. A powerful symbol, representing your mysterious nature, you gain the Entity's favor. There are now only 4 Pages. The Pages lose all previously described effects, and you no longer gain tokens. Instead:

-1 Page: All generators are blocked for 25 seconds

-2 Pages: All survivor auras are revealed to you for 5 seconds, and generators are blocked for 25 seconds

-3 Pages: Survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect until the 4th is found

-4 Pages: When the Exit Gates are opened, the Entity will prevent survivors from leaving for a total of 30 seconds, so long as at least 1 survivor has been sacrificed

(Cannot be paired with Kate's Journal)

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!" -Kate


New survivor: Lauren


Getaway: You are surprisingly adept at escaping malicious forces, despite facing the unexpected.

-If you are in chase for longer than 40 seconds without being injured, become Exhausted for 60/50/40 seconds, but leave no scratch marks for 30 seconds.

Paranoia: You are unfamiliar with monsters, and their presence terrifies you. However, you are determined to face them head on and stop them from causing anymore harm.

-For every 25/20/15 seconds you are within the killers terror radius without being chased, gain a token, for a maximum of 5 tokens

-Per token collected, gain a 10% increase to totem cleansing speeds

-This perk will reveal the aura of the killer when cleansing a totem and standing within an 8 meter range

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." -CR

Faithfulness: You stop at nothing to help your friends, especially when in danger.

-Everytime a survivor is chased, their aura is shown to you

-If you are within 8 meters of the chased survivor, their scratch marks stay visible for 2 seconds less than normal
