Worst map in the game for killer?

Imma exclude some maps which are objectively better, such as coal tower and dead dawg saloon, because of how small they are (other than their structure and how close gens are).
Consider that some of the mse maps literally still have 1 or even 2+ good loops, no breakable walls to counter
Here you can check all maps: https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Realms
Unfortunately I can't insert more than 10 maps, but I tried to insert the worst ones.
Not necessarily the bigger ones are the worst, remember.
Try to choose which is the worst considered all killers.
Worst map in the game for killer? 79 votes
Mother's Dwelling (biggest map)
I'm personally voting Mother's Dwelling because it's one of the few maps where as Hag I can't do a decent set of traps. Each gen is in a corner of the map ( one near shack, one opposite angle to shack always, 2 in the remaining angles. ) , one always in the main building, hard to reach as hag, 2 + traps to waste for the gen and the windows + the gen has multiple places to fall into so you can't trap the way out;
With no add ons I can't even teleport to some traps because they're too far away, and it happens very rarely as hag luckily
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Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)
Honestly can´t decide whether to pick Haddonfield or Disturbed Ward, both are incredibly survivor sided and very hard not to escape on.
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A Map with Survivors who are not dumb is the worst.
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Mother's Dwelling (biggest map)
Disturbed ward has 2 infinites ( god loops) and 2 + shack god pallets, haddonfield has none but insanely good buildings
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Badham preschool all variations.
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Mother's Dwelling (biggest map)
Intresting, why do you say it? I agree it's a strong map, but you gotta consider that all pallets are mindgamable
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The Swamp.
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Mother's Dwelling (biggest map)
Grim pantry unlikely, 4/5 gens are really close together
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Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)
Tie between Haddonfield and Disturbed Ward, I guess.
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Big, dark map, hard to control, 5 100% safe pallets on this map in good strong loops.(2-Badham,1-House,1-Shack,1-2 garage) Sometimes very long distance to hooks.
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And more tall grass and crazy confusing jungle gyms than any other map. Close gens are great and all, but I'd feel better if it wasn't so easy for the Survivors to vanish like members of the Foot Clan.
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The Game
too dark
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Mother's Dwelling (biggest map)
Could be but not for that reason: is has 20+ super strong pallets, 2 god pallets. basically every loop is unmindgemable
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Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)
Most killers: Haddonfield
Low mobility killers (Deathslinger, Bubba, etc.): Mother's Dwelling
Swamp can sometimes suck but the 3-gens on those maps are brutal.
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The Game
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Disturbed Ward( Nurse map)
A while ago, Rotten Fields was the map with the worst kill rate for killer and considering it didn't got reworked since then... That map is disgusting. Weird seeing Torment Creek here tho, it is the second least problematic map from the Cooldwind bunch.
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Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)
I hate Haddonfield I hate Haddonfield I hate Haddonfield I hate Haddonfield...
I hate the fences I hate the houses I hate the windows I hate the ridiculously long never-ending fences...
Did I mention I hate Haddonfield?
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Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)
With Ormond reworked, I think Haddonfield easily takes this now. The fences are comically long sometimes, and some of the setups with buildings are just plain dirty
Mother's Dwelling is also atrocious due to its size but it's still not as rough as Haddonfield
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Mother's Dwelling (biggest map)
Wow it's a decisive victory for Haddonfield
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Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)
I really depends what killer you are. I enjoy trapper but all interior maps are hard to use traps on. It is all subjective. For me personally I think Haddonfield due to the fences if you aren't a mobility killer.
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Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)
After Ormonds Rework, it is Haddonfield. Before I would have said that it is Ormond.
But I also hope that they rework The Game, I just hate it as Killer, because almost every Pallet is safe and there is not much to mindgame. Its a bad map for both sides, since it is very survivor-sided at the start but gets killer-sided, once the Pallets are gone, because Survivors dont really have anything to work with at this point.
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Mother's Dwelling (biggest map)
I think I change my opinion, Haddonfield is the worst
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Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)
Haddonfield for the fact that the houses you can use are really strong and it can take a really long time to start a chase with a survivor especially if someone is using object. The next worst map would be mother's dwelling since it is just massive and frustrating to manage as killer.
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Léry's Memorial Institute it's the worst map (
in my opinion)0 -
The Underground Complex (Hawkins)
Hawkin's. Too many pallets and I just hate indoor maps in general.
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Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)
Actually I am now on the side of every map if you don't have some form of movement boost.
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Yes if you play survivor.. because YOU CANT FIND THOSE ######### GENS BRO WHAT..
And as a killer who doesnt have traps.. or only attacks that need more space e.g huntress, bubba, hillbilly..
While trapper, hag and michael have it easy there