Price of Cosmetics

XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

I just posted a discussion lets see what the polls say instead,

Price of Cosmetics 109 votes

To expensive
FatelanceSnakeSound222GibberishSmilerWalterBlackVolantConch1719MiriamGTapeKnotDimekBabyCameron10TragicSolitudeRullisiSunderMunmusstang62UistreelDr_LoomisAhoyWolfRydogpalletsryummyRin_is_my_waifu 75 votes
To Cheap
F60_31Aven_FallenXyexTaigaanonymous31337[Deleted User]IsJustMeCephalon_LebronquentinsimpPhasmamainTrashmasterChchchcherylInk_EyesVenusaLilSnek 15 votes
Fine but all need available via shards.
Seiko300[Deleted User]SkeletalEliteLeonardo1itayobudddfakebm33UndershotsteponmeadirisTripleStealIlliterateGenocideWraithBabybuGGbearAFLoatingShoppinList 14 votes
Don't care about cosmetics regardless.
HoodiedTodgeweihtSebaOutbreakGlamourousLeviathanRamblinRango 5 votes


  • quentinsimp
    quentinsimp Member Posts: 46

    I'm the kind of person who spends a lot of money on cosmetics in almost all of the games I play, so maybe I'm biased, but in my opinion the prices are fine. They're on-par with most other games (fortnite, Apex, identity v, etc), and they allow you to buy exactly what you want. No needless bundles that make you spend 20 dollars to get the one item you want out of the 5 items in the bundle, no loot box/gacha system that fuel gambling addictions and make you rely on luck and rng, and absolute customizability among the options you have. In fortnite, you pay 8-20 dollars for a skin that you can't mix and match. Dbd has entirely reasonable prices.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    To expensive

    Waaaaay too pricey. But I think the cost of game skins in general is usually ridiculous.

    For example, there was a Joker pack released for Fortnite (I have never played, but I understand it's very popular) last week: £25 FOR THREE SKINS. These prices are just sickening.

    If an entire chapter (including a survivor, a killer and 6 perks) is priced at £6.49, we should not be expected to pay something in the range of £16 for a so called 'legendary' skin. One simple skin. It's especially bad when the first person perspective view doesn't even allow you to see your killer's new look as you play. This adds further dispute on the hefty price tags.

    £3.00 for a top tier skin should be the limit. But these companies will charge these ridiculous amounts because some mugs will actually pay up. It's all very greedy.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
    To expensive

    The prices are off the charts. For the price of one full cosmetic, I could also get two full characters or even 3 in the case of those skins for €15. It’s insane. When it comes to shards the characters are also stupidly overpriced. In my opinion, the game should just go full free to play. It would mean people who were hesitant to try the game before, might just give it a go.

  • Taker
    Taker Member Posts: 15
    To expensive

    Skins are way too expensive. Especially those legendary ones that you can't even mix and match (Which I love to do) but I'd also like to see all non-licenced cosmetics to be shards and auric cells, not just some.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited December 2020
    To expensive

    They are way too expensive with either currency. You can buy a chapter for the price of an outfit. Most of them aren’t even that good (it takes a DAMN good outfit to be worth the price of two characters). Cell prices should be 300 maximum and shard prices should be 5000 maximum. We also need the option to buy 100 cells for $1 so that you aren’t forced to spend $5 for even the cheapest cosmetics. I don’t want to have to spend $5 on an outfit that costs 100 cells and then have 400 cells just sitting there being useless.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    Don't care about cosmetics regardless.

    What is the point of buying skins in the first place? Its a ######### game.

  • Naz
    Naz Member Posts: 122
    To expensive

    My kids play a game on android called Disney Battle Heroes and i have bought them packages for $6.49 but the most interesting thing i got them was a yearly bundle for $100 that gives crystals daily for a year if they log in each day. It also gave a bunch right away. I'd love to see something like that for sale with this game. Right now there is just the auric cell packs. It would be nice if there were 30 day to a year packs that also gave some shards when you sign in each day.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246
    To expensive

    10 bucks for a skin you can't grind for, would be fine if the game was free or if the cosmetics were interesting.

    For Dwight, he has so many cosmetic sets that aren't used by players because they're gaudy or weird looking. Or another example; Have you played any games with someone wearing Jeff's Wasteland costume? Or played against someone wearing the Hag's dress cosmetic?

    There are too many cosmetics that look weird or gaudy, don't fit in with the character you're playing, and are 10 bucks to boot (5 bucks individually). It's absurd, and if they were going to put a price tag that high (and higher in some cases) they could at least make all the cosmetics look nice, and not just some.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    I'm surprised that some people complain about this, $5 to $10 bucks is really cheap, there's mobile games who try to sell you a skin for $40 - $60 bucks, and some other more popular games charge you from $80 to $120 bucks for a skin package...

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649
    edited December 2020
    To expensive

    Are you serious?? Literally every game you mentioned is FREE TO PLAY. Is Dead by Daylight free to play? No! On top of the base game DbD also has a lot of DLCs and cosmetics and they are very expensive. How is this *fine*??? It is absolutely not fine.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    To expensive

    Ok I don’t know what games you’re playing but they obviously have terrible monetization systems and need to go as well and shouldn’t be used as example to say that DBD’s is fine.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561
    edited December 2020

    I guess it depends on where you live but even when not comparing to other games $5 to $10 bucks is kinda cheap, that's like the pocket change I spend on my daily morning coffee and a donut.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited December 2020
    To expensive

    The 'legendary' skins are ridiculously dear. Some do look good, for example the Krampus Trapper...but the issue with killer skins is that the controlling player can't actually see them whilst playing. But that's the joy of 1st person game skins.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763
    To expensive

    The fact that you could buy any individual character for less than the cosmetics should be enough to say they're to expensive. Especially when cosmetics cost the same as half the game. (Many of them)

  • SK1LLA
    SK1LLA Member Posts: 13
    To expensive

    If you are serious, then you are literally money waister... 10$ daily? Like #########. I hope you are just joking. Because I spend daily 1$

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,221
    To expensive

    If DBD was free to play, I'd be mostly fine with the prices (maybe cut them down by 25%, but otherwise fine).

    But DBD is not free. It is a roughly 20 dollar game that releases DLC every three months that costs 7-8 dollars, has a battlepass on top of this and the most frequently made cosmetics (Purple) normally cost around 10 dollars to get a full set, and the legendary cosmetics cost 15 dollars without the choice of buying the pieces individually. I remember when they said you would be able to get most of the cosmetics through normal gameplay. That quickly shifted to maybe 25% of the cosmetics at most being "free" (disregarding the HOURS of time it takes to get enough shards to buy even a single item).

    Corporate greed is a powerful thing.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    Not joking, even a cheap coffee in NY is at least $3 - $4 bucks with nothing else included and additional $3 to $5 for a small donut or a simple cheese sandwich which is basically my daily stop for breakfast (and that' the cheap alternative here), and not trying to be rude but I suppose you live in a third world country where $5 dollars seems like much.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345
    To expensive

    It's a disgusting business model that promotes cyber bullying.

    While as an adult I can just say no to them, this isn't always the case for younger players who feel pressured into having the latest premium skins.

    I am not sure if this is such an issue in DbD but I have previously been verbally abused by randoms for using "default skins" in other games. So it does happen.

    "Everyone else is doing it" doesn't clear your conscience and make it any less immoral.

  • SK1LLA
    SK1LLA Member Posts: 13
    To expensive

    Nope, I live in a modern country with nice economy. But the thing is, I'm not wasting many on useless things. Everyday I make tasty breakfast at home and I really dont need to spend enormous money on something, what I can do myself at home :)

  • Betrayed_Talion
    Betrayed_Talion Member Posts: 15
    To expensive

    Most of the high tier skins are really cool, but are way to pricey, even people who grind all the time it costs way to much, I can get a non-licensed killer/survivor for 9000 shards, but the skins are even more for the character?

  • LilSnek
    LilSnek Member Posts: 20

    Its ok but they need to add a refund if you do it in 24 hours cause i bought something by accident and noticed it later that day...

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    To expensive

    Cosmetics are definitely overpriced but I will say that some of them are really nice. If I think the cosmetic is neat, I'll tend to get it regardless. I definitely don't usually buy more than one cosmetic a month though.

    For me, cosmetics keep me from getting bored, as well as switching characters often. Cosmetics such as Dwight-in-a-Box should not be ignored, but cherished. I plan to get Old Lady Bubba next.

    Also, they need a mix-and-match system if they're going to continue to keep selling cosmetics at this price. I'm tired of having to guess how a top will look with a bottom, end up buying them, putting them on and hating it because we cannot mix-and-match before we make a purchase.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927
    To expensive

    I just don't understand how I can get a full dlc so a new killer and power to play with, a new survivor and 6 new perks for less than what it cost for me to get one full outfit?!