keys every other game the last month or two

yeah good lets nerf moris to become beyond useless but have keys floating around in nearly every match, chasing someone and they just immediately escape with no counterplay. weee can we nerf ruin already btw? and undying and bbq


  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited December 2020

    So bring Franklin's....................................

    And BBQ? If you want BBQ nerfed you're just straight up bad at the game.

    Not even kidding.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Or you can just slug them on 5 gens. If you want easier escape get ready to scummy play from killer.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    We can't be nerfing keys. Nerfing mori to this degree is way too much and such a crap move no matter how u defend it.

    But let's not nerf keys. It's my only escape.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Yeah, I've had this since coming back to the game after a few weeks away. Honestly, if the survivors are that desperate for a win, let them have it. I'm not wasting a perk slot just to make them drop a key that they will just grab back anyway. I mean, I don't play to win anyway. I just wanna get decent points and have a fun match.

  • Tbh it's not even that powerful I just play the games as is, usually either they do so well that the key wasn't needed anyways at all and they don't use it because of that unless for a challenge; or they get wrecked long before they can even really use it anyways.

    I almost never get key escapes. They are BS and OP when they DO happen, but I mean I've never had much of a problem with them....

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Yeah, I don't see key escapes very often, either. The few times I have seen them end a match early have been very memorable, though, because they were such BS. (One time when trying to get the Tombstone achievement as Mikey. C'mon, ######### game, you gave the last two a key in a chest?? Another time was with a BPS, a survivor disconnected, and I tried to be nice and farm with the remaining survivors... they avoided me all match and keyed out the moment it became an option. Again, #########.) But usually if I see a key as killer it's used after all the gens were completed and they were going to escape anyway.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Keys are not a big problem in solo queue. Most of the time they can't even find the hatch in time. But if it's 3 or 4 man lobby with communication, they can flush your efforts down right when someone got killed and 3 people (which were hooked 1-2 times) just find hatch and wave hand to you. It happen once to me yesterday. But only once so I can take it.

    But most of the time it's not that easy to escape with the key. You need to repair gens, find the hatch, find someone else and convince him to go with you. It's possible if you 3-genned youself and hatch spawned somwhere out of triangle. Keys already situational. I think they wouldn't be nerfed to useless state.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Same here. The only time I ever really have anyone use a key to escape is when there's usually 1 or 2 gens left, and they've hidden away across the map sitting on hatch. At that point, I consider it a win either way. But most other times, they either all die before anyone can open hatch, or they just leave through the exit gate.