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Why do some Survivors not adapt to RuIn-Undying-Tinkerer?



  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Ruin + Undying is already pretty bad imo, but Ruin by itself is utter trash. Good luck trying to get it to stay up for more than thirty seconds, while trying to apply pressure to gens in order to even get value form it.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited December 2020

    I've literally ran Corrupt as my only "gen defense" for almost a year now and never felt forced to take 2 perks to have a chance to win against people who want to push gens.

    The real issue with the Ruin-Undying-Tinkerer combo is solo queue. You're severely underestimating how unbelievably bad solos are, and that's why the combo is a problem in solo queue.

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    Probably for the same reason killers don't adapt to DS/UB: They're crybabies who want easy games. Just like 9/10 of killer players on this forum.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    If we pretend that every survivor is in a 4 man then yes, your points are valid.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    You want survivors to "adapt" but refuse to believe that maybe there needs to be a change in your game if you are required to take 2 perks in order to stand a chance? Odd.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    The problem here is around what you want you balance.

    A general rule of thumb is, that if something is broken at the highest level, then its broken periode. You see this with LoL where they balance the game around those level.

    Now with DbD its more complex as there is not only one "highest level", there are two: Solo and Teams.

    Funny enough most people would agree that Killers should be balanced around the high end. Arguments against Deathslinger, Nurse and Spirit are about this most of the time. Deathslinger is deemed unfair by some because a good Slinger will not miss a single shot and end chases very quick. Great Slingers can quickscope you down, leaving no reaction time at all. However your regular everyday Slinger is not that guy, he misses, he makes dumd decisions and struggles to get map pressure.

    Now should the developers balance Slinger around the higher or the lower end of the spektrum? Most people argue for the higher end on the same ground as the developers in League: If its broken at the top, its broken periode.

    Now you have to keep the argument straight. If you want to balance the Killers around the higher end, you also need to balance the survivors in that direction. And the high end for a surviror is a squad of four on a voicechat, constantly sharing all relevant information.

    So yes, if we go by that route, we need to assume that every survivor is indeed a squad of four. So the points are valide.

    Otherwise you need to balance the game around the lower end for Killers too and I would not like that. I think high skilled players (not myself, I am pretty trashy by the way) should be rewarded.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Its the killers that are taking 2 perks. Not survivors.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    No, i don´t underestimate it. Its just that some survivors are on ranks, they don´t belong to. I´ve seen survivors on rank 1 that behaved like a rank 20 player who just installed the game.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    I just wish Undying had its aura reveal taken away, respawning a hex is powerful enough on its own..especially since people really only seem to pair it with Ruin. I think Undying is awesome with Retribution but everyone just wants to make the game as boring as possible with Ruin. It takes little effort from the Killer to chase people off gens and are massively rewarded for it. I play solo queue and facing this build is just flatout boring as hell. When I play Killer, I like to create my own builds and see what works...there's over 90 perks to choose from people, use your imagination instead of relying on the stale crutch meta.

  • Boltok_Gear
    Boltok_Gear Member Posts: 5

    The problem is how would you know a killer is running those perks in order to use these perks to so called "counter them".

    Another thing is team coordination in solo queue is hard to find so reliably finding totems while the rest of the team is putting pressure on gens is unlikely.

    Plus I don't use equipment, offerings (other than BP one's), DS, unbreakable, soul guard, and dead hard in my builds ever, I rarely use the rest of the exhaustion perks or BT unless I need them for a specific challenge, I have spine chill on 1 character specifically for gen challenges. Iron will is about the only meta perk I use regularly and red rank killers are pretty used to dealing with that perk.

    So that's just 1 player they don't have to worry about countering them. But I play for BPs and Battle passes so the killer rarely has to worry about my perks. If I loop the killer long enough, most leave me alone and I go off and do my business.

    It just gets mundane when I have those days where 9/10 killers have ruin/undying. But the same goes for when I'm killer (I obviously don't run those perks together, I don't use mori's, offerings, or add-ons. So when I run into DS etc etc, it's like God you can play without those perks and still escape you know.

    I'm a rank 1 (solo) survivor/rank 1 killer to give you some context.


    My problem with undying/ruin is how often I see it, as well as the DS, etc etc on survivors. It gets boring dealing with the same thing over and over again.

    But overall, in my matches, it is more difficult to deal with undying/ruin because I do solo queue, and I don't run any strong survivor perks with the exception of iron will. I have no choice but to adapt and my team doesn't always do the same.

  • Lyfe
    Lyfe Member Posts: 197

    Every time I run Soul Guard the killer never has a Hex. Just like when I run Unbreakable I never get slugged. As soon as it comes off tho...

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,059

    Yeah, just put on Spine Chill and don't let the gens run all the way down, OR do the totems.

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570

    Or you can just do the bones and leave killer with only two perks? Also it doesn't stop you from working on your objective, but DS+UB does.

  • Noz
    Noz Member Posts: 176
    edited December 2020

    Against a good killer doing totems is all the time they need. If your whole team is busy for the first minute cleansing totem then the killer already won. Ignoring the fact that the killer will probably interrupt you doing so.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    No, it isn't. Sure, you can find the totems. But the killer also sees you doing them and can tunnel the crap out of you. Breaking totems is dangerous in solo queue with Ruin/Undying being as popular as they are.

    Repressed Alliance wut? Who uses that junk perk?

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883
    edited December 2020

    Well then... you can sit there and keep coming up with excuses instead of trying to counter certain playstyles and outplay killers

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    Maybe you're just bad? I don't mean this as an insult, I think you might need to just get better. I have no problems with Undying+ruin+tinkerer.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Its likely because these survivors have been babied by thier own similar combination of DS+Unbreakable and are finally feeling the other end of that burn.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    because new things are hardddddd to learn and I don't want to learn anything, I just wish to run in circles mindlessly and point at the killer when they miss a swing

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    <laughs> If this were true, the Perk: Corrupt Intervention would be auto-win, and it is not. :) Nobody is suggesting the entire Team be hunting Totems for the first minute (although I have seen that done). The basic, effective method is:

    1. If you see a Totem, cleanse it.
    2. If everyone does this, they map will be free of them (or the majority) really fast.
    3. If you are in a SWF and saw a Totem you can't get to, tell your friends who can.
    4. If you are doing something (not in a SWF) you can point and go back to what you are doing.

    It is a stark reality that the most precious resource in a match is TIME. Most Survivors waste at least 25-50% of their available time squatting around, being stealthy even when not necessary, doing Self-Care when it isn't pointless or detrimental, or simply stuck in indecision. The short time it takes to cleanse a Totem is time well-spent (and BP earned) by doing that instead. Seriously, as everyone generally has Kindred going you can watch (and clock if you like) how much time is spent doing NOTHING by your team. That is the problem, not the Perks. There is plenty of time (and then some) to do Bones if wasted time is simply allocated for it instead.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Would you like to explain your question for me?

    Solo's didnt even adapt to anything the last year and you expect them to adapt to 5 Hex Ruins? Man, you have dreams. Keep them.