Perk Idea Dump Pt. 2

Only_Aesa Member Posts: 9

This is my second perk idea dump. This dump includes perks from my first one, but I changed some to be more "balanced".

Disclaimer: Assume Hex: Undying does not exist when reading my Hex perks as it's probably going to get reworked or removed anyway. No way the devs are going to let it stay that broken.


Hex: Constrict - Survivors within 2/4/8 meters of this totem suffer tremendously from the hindered status effect

Bloodthirsty - You are unable to enter bloodlust and you receive 100/200/300% bonus to all blood point gains.

You're Next - After hooking a survivor the obsession suffers from the oblivious status effect for 15/30/60 seconds has cooldown of 120 seconds


Cripple - Injured survivors suffer from the broken status effect if they do not fully heal within 300/240/180 seconds after being injured.

Vengeance - After being stunned survivors further than 32/24/16 meters scream.

Hex: Marked - All survivors except the obsession cleanse totems 10/20/30% slower. Whoever cleanses this totem becomes the obsession.


Cursed Realm - Spawns 1/1/2 extra totems

Relentless Hunter - During a trial each time the obsession changes you gain a

.1/.25/.5% movement speed increase

Interference - After a generator is completed the generator nearest completion is blocked by the entity for 5/10/15 seconds. Has a cooldown of 300 seconds.


Deal With Darkness - At the start of the trial your aura is revealed to survivors for 5 seconds and survivors auras are revealed to you for 5/5/10 seconds

Sadism - Each time a survivor screams gain 1 token

At 12/8/4 tokens survivors are inflicted with the Hemorrhage status effect for 60 seconds. Stacks

At 16/12/8 tokens survivors are inflicted with the blindness status effect for 60 seconds. Stacks

At 20/16/12 tokens survivors suffer moderately from the mangled status effect for 60 seconds and all the tokens are consumed. Stacks

Hex: Dreary - Survivors within your terror radius cannot perform any rushed actions.


No Where to Run - At the start of a trial all windows, pallets, and lockers outside of your terror radius are blocked by the entity for 10/20/30 seconds

Hex: Imprison - Basement hooks take survivors 50/100/150% longer to unhook from.

You Will Die - If you hook survivors less than 4/5/6 times before the exit gates are powered. once the exit gates are powered they take survivors 100% longer to open


Hex: Obstruction - Great skill check zones are reduced by 70/80/90%

Crushing Blow - Every 90/60/30 seconds your next hit inflicts the exhausted status effect on a survivor for 5 seconds

In the Shadows - Hooking two survivors within 20/25/30 seconds of each other grants you the undetectable status effect for 60 seconds. Has a cooldown of 120 seconds.


Hex: Soul Reap - The survivor that cleanses this totem will scream every 180/120/60 seconds for the remainder of the trial.

Fatal Wound - Survivors who miss a skill check while healing inflict deep wounds on the survivor being healed.

A Little Suprise - Items found in chests are consumed 100/150/200% faster




Hex: Drain - Every time a survivor heals gain one token to a max of 8 tokens. Each token reduces survivor healing speed by 1.5/2/2.5%. At 8 tokens survivors receive an additional 20% reduction to healing speed.

Unforgiving - Survivors receive a 10% bonus to generator repair speed. When a survivor misses a skill check the generator instantly regresses by 2.5/5/10%

Blood Loss - Survivors who suffer from the Hemorrhage status effect for at least 180/120/60 seconds have their vision slightly blurred for 10 seconds.


Hex: Lockdown - As long as this totem is active 1/2/3 chests are blocked by the entity.

Hex: Unseeing - Survivors within 8/16/32 meters of this totem suffer from the blindness status effect.

Hunter Killer - If there are 5/4/3 totems remaining on the map when the exit gates are powered. Tremendously thicken the fog and increase your terror radius by 32 meters for 60 seconds.


Rugged Hooks - Hooks that a survivor has not been hooked on cannot be sabotaged. Hooks you have hooked survivors on are highlighted by a yellow aura.

Blind Rage - After being blinded by a flashlight gain a 2.5/5/10% movement speed increase for the duration of the blind.

Jack in the Box - One trapped chest Spawns on the map. If opened by a survivor they will scream and their aura is revealed for .5 seconds every 120/90/60 seconds.


Hex: Maze - One random pallet, window, locker, and generator are blocked by the entity as long as this totem is active. The pallet, window, locker, and generator affected by this perk changes every 30/60/90 seconds. Objects affected by this perk are highlighted in a white aura.

Safeguard - You can no longer hear survivors repairing generators and you gain a 1/2/3% movement speed increase towards generators you're looking at.

You Can Run - Survivor scratch marks disappear 100/90/80% faster and they leave scratch marks while crouching.
