Rift Skins getting added to the Store.... Opinions?

Now I’m completely ok with the Mr. Puddles and Feng cosmetics coming in, because they were both on the free pass and not the paid one.
In my opinion, this is completely unfair. like fair enough if it’s completely free/ earn-able through in game currency. But this isn’t. It does depend how they are sold tbf. If they’re available via shards, it seems all people were sold a year ago was temporary bragging rights. Oh and some charms of course.
People were sold the idea in the trailer that this was a one time thing and they had to pay now before the rift was “Closed for good...”
Overall, opinions on this? I’ve seen people say that the temporary bragging rights are enough for them, and that’s cool, I respect it.
But it feels to me that BHVR are simply squeezing monetary value out of skins that were once presented as being timed exclusives that you have to pay for and grind for. It’s put me off buying another rift, that’s for certain.
That’s it sorry for the rant 🙃
Although I do understand your point that paid passes should reward you with exclusives, this is BHVR's direct response to a post awhile back regarding just how much you would have to play in order to unlock everything in the rift.
I believe someone worked it out that you would have to play a minimum of 6 hours IN GAME time (not including loading screens, queue times or result screens). That is an absurd amount to have to play to get a cosmetic.
A mixed bag for sure.
EDIT: 6 hours of game per day.
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Totally fine. People who grinded the Rift got those Cosmetics cheaper than those who buy them.
They also announced it right from the start that the Cosmetics will be released in the Shop after a minimum period of 6 months. In fact, it is way more than that, so players who earned those Cosmetics had quite a long time to show them off.
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They’ll probably be worth shards, just like the current ones from the first Tome are.
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@CHED1 Please refer to our forum rules were we do clearly state that we do not appreciate posts about leaks or suspected leaks and do not allow them to be posted on our forum. So I've edited your post with regards to this.
We've been very clear about this and said that Rift items will eventually come to the Store, minimum time was 6 months and the Nurse skin was recently added which I think was available on the Rift around a year earlier. I'm happy with this, people who grinded the rift got the skins early and people who were unable to do that (or newer players) will still have the same opportunities to get the skins further down the line.
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Do "Rift items" include charms? I´ve missed some charms I very much regret not to have, so I was wondering.
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The 2 skins you are possibly referring to (Feng's Demon Slayer and Clown's Mr. Puddles) are only iridescent shards because they're community made skins, and BHVR doesn't want to profit off of them.
Meanwhile, the other skin that came from the first tome (Nurse's Fluidnightengale) is ONLY purchasable with auric cells
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Rip sorry I breached your rules.
I must of missed the memo about them being available later in store. I wouldn’t have bought the rift otherwise.
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I'm not sure about Charms, I believe it's just going to be the skins - but I'm not 100% sure on that.
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Thanks. Fingers Crossed I get my Bear Trap charm one day ^^
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Ahh well spotted
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No problem at all
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Couldn't care less.
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I'm honestly excited about it and cannot see the issue behind it. If i only had 21000 IS then I would totally snatch up the outfits.
I guess some people are really wanting these outfits to not be available for everyone because they want to feel extremely special but uhh... You're already special enough and no one else will ever exist the same as you. So how about let others try to get these outfits without making them feel bad :/
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It was said from the beginning they would go to the store eventually... Bringing up they are available for shards is stupid considering how long it takes to grind out shards. If they wanted to get something with shards they could've got a outfit that didn't come in a rift and therefore is going to probably be one that's less common.
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Aye Tis true. My problem was not with this but with the fact that some people who paid for the pass like me feel a bit miffed off (if) these are sold for shards (these being the leaked skins I was stopped from mentioning). Since back then you had to pay/grind for them and the way they were portrayed in the trailer made me believe they weren’t coming back.
I never knew they had always planned to release them later on. Mistake on my part I must admit.
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oh!!! okay I completely understand that. I just spent all month grinding away like a psychopath on the rift and getting to lvl 70 and then realized that they extended it ._. I coulda just sat back and still got to 70 in no time flat.
I would say, if you want something you should go for it. Whether or not it will be back doesn't matter, if it makes YOU happy, you should work hard to achieve that goal in the time you're given to do so. If you miss the goal time frame and it comes back around- you're one lucky gooose!!!
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They were also on the Free Track of the Rift so you didn't have to pay for a pass, so you had them exclusively for quite a long time and probably with less grind than it takes to get 21k shards for each outfit.
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My post has been edited so it doesn’t make much sense. That’s not what I meant bringing up the shards for clown and feng
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Pretty sure both trapper and wraith skins were in the paid section. I’m sure at least one of them was anyway.
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I'm fine with it. Tbh I'd be fine with them giving away all the rift cosmetics a year after the rift completes (I've completed every rift) because I'm not a fan of cosmetics being "exclusive." Those that can/want to grind for early access can do so, those that don't mind waiting don't have to stress about trying to complete the rift while also trying to have life outside a single video game.
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Even so, you get your auric cells back from completing the rift - so you effectively get everything for free.
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I would be cool with that If it didn’t coincide with this guys point.
I’ve never completed a rift fully, just don’t have the time. I doubt many people do without extra money put in to boost their tier. But then you don’t make the cell back anyway
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If I remember correctly there was a huge part of the community that pointed out the issue rift exclusive cosmetic causes. Mostly how it's causing FOMO and pressure to play the game more than they want. The second part ist kinda still an issue partly.
But especially looking at FOMO it's a much healthier approach.
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I can only imagine what's next.
"Coming 2021, DBD Loot Crates, for 500 auric cells and you have a 2% chance of a very rare cosmetic...the other 98% is random amounts of blood points never over 5000" xD
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Oh #########, don't give them ideas :(
I really don't care about Rift skins coming to the store. But I do like exclusives because it's kinda a reward for you to be playing the game at that specific time.
For example, people with Legacy skins, we recognice them as old players that played back in 2016, it's a reward for old players and exclusive to them, which is cool because it kinda makes your "signature" of how much you played the game.
The way BHVR is leading the non exclusive thing is because they just want your money. They give everyone the outfits from past events because they didn't like people were selling codes for the skins, it's a big ######### YOU for everyones who playes this game for a long time.
The only thing that show how much we played is our devotion level, which is hidden for everyone and almost no cosmetics can show how much you played the game.