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Let's "discuss" my Youtube channel and you watching it ;)))

CalVv1n Member Posts: 11
edited January 2019 in Creations

Hello, My name is Caleb, but people usually call me calvin. Or Calvv1n either works I guess... BUT CALEB? why do you call yourself calvv1n instead of caleb? Or atleast just putting calvin??? well, you silly goose, with all these wonderful questions.. -_-
Let me explain. I wanted to be called cal cause that was my online persona for awhile but I didn't want to use Caleb. So I used Calvin, but given youtube's ######### algorithm and me as a 13 year old making even shittier GTAV videos. I didn't get very far, So now that I'm 15 (practically a grown ass man am I right?) I have decided to be called CalVv1n and that's official...

Now enough about my life story and more about you...
what would you like? a coffee? a nice tea? well, either way sit down.. get comfortable.. and after a long hard day of what ever you do daily.
Sit down, kick your feet back, and enjoy some relaxing, 360p CalVv1n videos

Maybe just dip your toes in and watch something you're more at home with... I have quite a few dead by daylight videos you could blow right through and you'll have just enough time to finish your hot beverage...

Perhaps you like your five course meals a little more mainstream, then you would probably prefer one of my Fortnite or Rainbow Six siege montages.. But don't be fooled, for those videos contain more than just montages..

Or you could try something a little more exotic and you could try watching one of my old cringe filled GTAV videos, or some hilarious H1Z1 videos, or Dying Light, or Brawlhalla... If that's what you're into

Unless you're picky and can't decide Like me, then just dive face first into my That Good ######### playlist on the front page of my channel..

Pick whatever you like and if you change your mind and dont want to full your viewing appetite with one type of video, or if your category of video has a drought and you run out of your favorite content.. move on, be adventurous, and try something else on the CalVv1n page...

Enjoy: youtube.com/calvv1nyt

Come one, just click on it and sub, You obviously don't have anything else going on if you're on a dead by daylight forum ;)
(EDIT: I was on some ######### when I made this so excuse me)

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