Undying is not that good

I keep seeing people whining because undying is too strong with ruin but imo the combo ruin+pop is much better since they are probably gonna break ruin anyways, also pop is not a hex so yeah tell me what you think


  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Ruin doesn’t need to last the entire match, it only needs to last long enough for you to get hooks, clear pallets from the map and build pressure. If Ruin is broken by the point you have one person on death hook, a couple of Unbreakables/DSes used and several areas of the map have no pallets, it’s done exactly what it was supposed to do.

    Undying does that - it buys Ruin time to help you build the pressure you need to win the game. Who cares if Ruin gets cleansed when one person is dead at 4 gens left? You still got insane value from the perk.

  • Xx_amaro_xx
    Xx_amaro_xx Member Posts: 24

    It's true but consider that if you get unlucky and they break undying and ruin at the start it's gonna be way harder to win if you don't have any other slowdown, if you have pop and they break ruin at the start you can still do good because you have pop

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    That would be unlucky. It happens but it’s not that common for both perks to go early in the match, in my experience.

    What if they stack two people to every gen and you barely get to use Pop? No perks are guaranteed to work every single match, it’s just about probability. Is this perk likely to help me? Undying makes Ruin much more likely to survive long enough to give you a lot of value, that’s why it’s so good.

  • Xx_amaro_xx
    Xx_amaro_xx Member Posts: 24
    edited December 2020

    In my experience it happens almost every match, I just don't like it because it's more luck based even tho a lot of things are luck based

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    Run undying pop is a good combo but honestly wish they fixed base gen regression

  • Xx_amaro_xx
    Xx_amaro_xx Member Posts: 24
    edited December 2020

    They already did quite some time ago but it wasn't even noticeable

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I don't think Ruin/Pop is good anyway. You play a 3 perk game with that. Undying gives you the additional effect of aura reading. And as said before, early game pressure is the most precious thing for killers. If they really would try to break the totems that early, you would see it and get into chases real quick.

    It surely is possible to break both totems super quickly and turning you into a 2 perk killer, but I would say that is at most 1 of 10 games possible.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Yeah, "it's not that good". Especially on braindead killers to play like Freddy, Spirit.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241
  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Undying makes hexes more consistent and has amazing aura reading potential. Corrupt pop is more consistent but ruin undying is more powerful

    imo they should make undying aura reading only on cleanse but make it last the entire cleanse duration

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    And you'd be wrong.

    Undying + Ruin is far more oppressive than Ruin + PGTW.

    Yes, there is a risk of it breaking early. But their is also the risk of the survivors never breaking it. And even if they break it early that's still usually a good minute of no gens being done. That's not even counting the aura reading which is something killers like to downplay -- same as with BBQ every killer claims they only use it for BP but that's a big fat lie.

    Undying + Ruin gives a massive advantage for any killer and almost a sure win if the killer is actually good.

    We've lived with Ruin + PGTW for a long time and nobody really complained. Ruin + Undying is definitely much more disruptive.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Undying remove the high risk reward feature of hexes making it just high reward. You use this build on clown, trapper or any weak killer? Then yeah it's not a big issue, but when you use it on braindead killers like spirit i hope you don't complain about ds and unbreakable

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Consistant is the word you're looking for.

    It's not that consistant.

    It is very very good, but you'll have to take the games where both totems gets cleansed a minute into the match cause you got unlucky

    On the flip side it can also never be cleansed and just win the game on the spot if you can keep pressure up

  • Xx_amaro_xx
    Xx_amaro_xx Member Posts: 24

    You know I'm convinced, it's very strong, I still prefer ruin+pop tho, just cause it's consistant

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517
    edited December 2020

    Or don’t bring ruin and just bring pop and free up a perk slot? Pop and ruin is in theory good but in practice you are basically dedicating a perk slot for a back up, meaning during the whole game one perk is gonna be useless, why not instead slap on something that would be useful? Like pop and bbq or ruin and undying, ruin and surv, pop and ruin is not very good imo

  • Xx_amaro_xx
    Xx_amaro_xx Member Posts: 24

    I mean, I use ruin, pop, discordance, sloppy and I barely ever lose so if you have something better tell me

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517
    edited December 2020

    Well that depends on what killer you are playing, and I’m not gonna pretend i know the best build for every killer, but if it works for you then thats the best build for you!


    I just have had games where ruin wasn’t helping and they still power through gens and I really needed the instant regression of pgtw but couldn’t apply it due to ruin still being up, this is when i am playing killers such as GF, Trapper, clown, the low mobility killers

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Ruin alone can be game breaking if you get a very good totem spawn, Undying just makes that a lot more consistent. A survivor team must go potentially through every single totem spawn point in the map and the new maps just make that extremely hard. I like the idea of having different objectives in match, but the nature of hex totems just make that too polarizing: you either get ridiculous amount of value as a killer or find yourself without those perks in the beginning of the game.

    I'd rather have them change Hexes as a whole, possibly following Tofu suggestion of only allowing 1 hex perk per killer and diluting its power between all totems, so the killer has good pressure in the start of the match and the perk effect goes weaker for each totem cleansed. That way the killer still has value if a few totems are lost and survivors are under huge pressure for the whole duration of the match bc of 1 good totem spawn.

  • guyDDDfieri
    guyDDDfieri Member Posts: 9

    I was playing yesterday and both my undying and ruin were broken within the first 15 seconds of the match, it doesn't happen too often thankfully.

  • Dira970
    Dira970 Member Posts: 39

    depend on the killer. meta killers that mastered spirit nurse or deathslinger can actually do a lot of damage to survivors if the killers use corrupt ruin undying combo.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    This almost sounds like ruin/undying recreates the old ruin? I might have to just give in and purchase Blight.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    Undying is expensive insurance for people who are sick of having their hex perks eliminated 30 seconds into the match.

    At the high cost of one of your perk slots you can greatly increase the chances that your hex perk will be effective.

    I feel like undying is perfectly balanced. It costs a perk slot. It alerts you to people trying to cleanse your totems. There's still a reasonable chance that the hex is eliminated quickly, before all five totems are cleansed. And it provides the survivors with extra bloodpoints for the effort of doing something they should already be doing.