Stop trying to hold Victor "hostage". It doesn't work.

After putting alot of time into the twins and against them, I've noticed a large amount of survivors who still think it is a smart idea to try and "deny" Charlotte of her brother. This tactic is terrible and people need to stop doing it.
If you decide to not remove Victor from your shoulders, all you are doing is basically going afk. It only takes 30 seconds before Charlotte can recall him, so you aren't really denying her anything. If I have somebody hooked and I notice that somebody isn't getting rid of Victor, then I'll leave him since they have effectively removed themselves from the game. There is a reason why Pig's boxes are considered decent at slowing the game down, bc survivors aren't doing gens.
The only time it might be useful to hold onto victor is if you are currently getting chased, and I tend to disengage if I run into a survivor holding onto Victor in a strong part of the map. Even then though, the wallhacks she has on you is extremely dangerous, I've cut people off multiple times being able to see through walls, not even during chase, just seeing where the survivor is running and waiting for them. Reminds me of Old Freddy actually.
Anyways, yeah. Please don't hold Victor hostage. You aren't denying the killer any power, you are basically just going afk for half a minute.
Its really dependant on if your teammates know how to loop an M1 killer and do gens.
Whats shocking to me is people are still trying to remove Victor while being chased. Wasting time and slowing themselves down.
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Yeah, tell survivors how to play their game and i'll tell you how to play yours at the end game chat.
And yes, denying her power for 30 seconds is a smart idea. Especially on swf groups.
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Just to play devil's advocate, I do gens with RBT on.
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I play both sides, and I'm saying this after having a survivor hold onto victor for over 2 minutes while I defended my side of the map. I didn't feel pressured about having "no power" since I could recall it back whenever I wanted. And believe it or not it still possible to chase people normally, and if I do notice somebody is extremely good at looping then sticking victor on them means they wont be doing gens if they choose to keep him.
I'm literally saying this is a bad tactic that will make you lose if you keep doing it. Doesn't matter if they are good at looping if they aren't gonna be chased or do gens. Basically letting the killer have a 3v1 which is totally doable for a good killer.
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I think this is honestly the smart choice if the map isnt too large. The pigs strength is survivos unwillingness to potentially harm a teammate. She cant undo a completed gen.
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But I wanna take little Victor for a ride hahahha. Sincerely, most of the times I keep him is because Charlotte is coming.
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You're right it's only smart if charlotte is chasing you and not someone else , you're essentially throwing the game if you leave victor on and you aren't getting chased.
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when it was a 45 second recall it was still worth it but now it's just on the edge of being good enough of a time to stop that strat from being effective. Still you should keep victor on you for as long as you are not doing anything, only take him off if there is something to do.
i wish that it was the survivors aura shown not victors and his aura should be shown from the beginning imo.
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I'll trade Victor for someone going AFK the whole game.
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What's funny I haven't played enough games against them to see anyone take Victor hostage. Is no one playing twins?
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This. If a Twins player is smart, they won't do this, but 99% of the matches I've had with them, Charlotte comes running for me immediately after Victor latches on.
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Idk I use OOO all the time rn and the amount of times Charlotte decides to chase me right after Victoring me means I have 30 seconds of complete, free wallhacks on her
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I do agree with you, kidnappers are usually playing for the killer more than against them. There are exceptions obviously (e.g. EGC or when gens are going to be done by your team mates anyway, you just need an extra edge as a survivor), but generally speaking kidnapping is a wrong tactic.
I even talk about it in my top 10 tips for the Twins @ 5:18, showcasing how detrimental it is for survivors that are already put in a corner
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Shhhhhhhhhhhush don't be spreading that around.....
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Your team must be very bad if they cant 3v1 the killer for 45 seconds while she has no power. It's a great start, if your team is injured victor will have a very easy time to snowball. best thing you can do if healthy is to take him hostage while the others are reseting
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I disagree because there's no point in leaving him on and not getting anything done, also charlotte is going to start chasing one of them not allowing the reset to happen, thats what creates a snowball for that killer because by the time you decide to take victor off and quit trolling you have someone going down and it becomes a cycle of unhooking until you can work your way back to doing objectives, by leaving victor on you're giving charlotte exactly what she wants you're afk and another person is getting chased with charlotte having control on calling him back 30 seconds later and use him to slug after a down or to proxy the hook, it's the same thing as hopping in a locker and going afk until you decide to come back except you're also revealing where your team is if you get too close, it's really a no win for the survivor to leave him on unless you're being chased by Charlotte which isn't smart on the killer.