Hex rework needed?


So I main killer and like using hex perks. However as i am Red ranks it is basiclly pointless. The speed at which they are broken even with TTH with low mobility killer you cant even get too them before they are broken based on spawn. In addition someone normally runs a map and breaks everything in the first couple minutes. Survivors have no perks that can be countered this way. A lot of people say this are high risk high reward but it isnt really true. Most hex are moderately useful at best. With undying it tries to fix this but points out how glaring the issue is. I'm not sure how to fix this as the survivors need to be able to counter them but it isnt even close. Maybe force the killer to setup his totems similar too bear traps but have a cap of 5 per match. This way killer can choose placement and survivors can still break or disarm them. I'm just hoping a significant change comes but I wouldn't count on it. Thoughts? Suggestions?


  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Tofu has a video on that in which he suggests limiting the number of hex perks to 1 per build and all totems starting active contributing partially to hex function. Imagine each totem giving a ruin effect of 40% regression or 1 token of lullaby. That way the killer starts the game with a lot of pressure that gradually reduces as totems are cleansed. This gives the killer value in the beginning of the game (when they need the most) and also gives survivors other objectives besides gens.

    The problem is reworking all hex perks, as not all are as easy as the 2 aforementioned and some have kind of supportive roles to other hexes (Thrill, Undying, Etc)

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    Like most aspects of the game a full rework is needed.