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Stuck closing hatch after DC w/ key

Napkep Member Posts: 6
edited December 2020 in Bug Reporting

I don't know what exactly caused this, so it was hard for me to search for it. I think I've seen a bug similar on a stream once, but I'm not sure.

I'm on PC playing The Spirit, all 4 survivors are console I believe. Map was Badham. After the 2nd survivor died, I found the 3rd survivor in the basement with a key. I'm not sure what happened, I guess it was latency. To me, the survivor looked to be a good distance from the hatch when I downed them. As I started the pickup animation, they DCed and suddenly the hatch was open. My POV glitched out like I was sliding on the floor. Everything then seemed normal, so I went to close the hatch and got stuck in that animation for a few minutes until the final survivor finished the last gen and opened the door and escaped.

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