Have survivors and killers ever tried to escape from the entity's realm?

Jarol Member Posts: 1,985
edited December 2020 in Lore

Imagine it, did you ever think if some survivor tried to escape as if he were a victim of saw or if some killer also tried to escape, the entity would punish him brutally? I mean, I don't know if the survivors have memories while they spend their days at the campfire or is it an infinite loop and the only ones who remember their past are the killers I imagine it as if it were a jail or torture slowly or peacefully, I consider that the survivors and licensed killers are the same but from a different universe (like the original universe of the Halloween saga and the other one of Halloween 2018) they disappeared in the course of their entire saga as if it were a different timeline from avengers endgame with loki running away with the tesseract. What do you think? Some survivor really woke up as if he were kara from Detroit become human and thought about trying to flee in the kingdom of the entity like the killer to stop serving the entity?


  • TapeKnot
    TapeKnot Member Posts: 248

    I'm pretty sure if survivors try to leave the campfire they'll just end up back at it, so you can't escape there. Talbot Grimes tried to escape the trials, but ended up becoming The Blight instead. I think Vigo is trying to escape, and might've done so successfully. The Observer is trying to escape and destroy The Entity, but hasn't made much progress yet.

  • Yarheeguy
    Yarheeguy Member Posts: 101

    The survivors are indeed trying to escape the realm, but their attempts are just part of the loop that they're in during their time in the realm. even when they escape or die, they always come back to the campfire and the trials.

    As for killers, well some of them like being in the realm while others are unaware that they're in said realm, they play their parts and they can keep doing what they're doing for the rest of their lives, which is eternal in the Entity realm.

    sure there are a few that doesn't want to be in the realm, but they are forced by the Entity to keep doing the trials, otherwise they either end up as survivors themselves or end up in the Void, a fate worse than death.

    Sure they might get bored but I doubt the Entity wouldn't give them something else to entertain themselves other than endless trials, after all, when one killer looms over the campfire, what's going on with the rest of the killers?

    I would say either doing their own thing in their respective realm or being a part of another trial, I would guess there's more than one trial happening at the same time.