It's not every game something bad happens


I love DbD I really do, that's why I decided to come back to it. I remembered it was a fun game and I also remembered that I enjoyed it a lot.

But now that I'm back after a years break this is what has happened to me over the 1st week being back, the first game I got was an afk doctor (this one honestly wasn't bad) the second was a amazing nurse who suddenly decided to start face camping, once 3 gens were done. When I say amazing I mean amazing, they must have put hundreds of hours into learning her and the moment we started getting momentum she gave up. I know you can get around face camping and we managed to until she hit us all back down and since no one had unbreakable we all bled out instead.

Honestly though, games like that only happen once every 10 or 20 games so most of the time if I die, ik its my fault either because I didn't use my perk build to full effect or I made silly mistakes when looping. Well that's all I gotta say good luck in your next games!


  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Good for you for owning your own misplays.

    I feel the same. I know when I got outplayed and can accept it and learn from it. Then use it to get better.

    I know my weaknesses and continue to try to improve.

    There would be so much less frustration in this game if people would accept, that sometimes, "you" made a mistake and stop hating on your competitors for capitalizing on them.