(Hex): Blood Favor

Blood favor perk is quite situational, can rob you from a pallet waste, and has a cool down. So I don't see why it is a hex perk. It could very well be a normal perk. At least when I equip it I don't have to waste a slot for a perk that can be taken away within 30 secs of a game.


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,433

    I think the only reason why it is a hex perk is so Blight can combine something with Undying.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    they should make it so it lasts longer and also reduce it's cool down, something like it is active for 20 seconds and has a 10 second cooldown. that would make it so it can only be activated every 30 seconds while it blocks off a area for most of that duration.

    the counter would still be to just use the speed you get from getting hit to get out of it's effective area but at least it will activate more and last longer. if the devs wouldn't mind actually making this perk good i would say just make it so it is active for the whole time it is on cooldown and have it last at least 20 seconds.