People who call Killers that cut chases short 'boring' just can't play.

So, a handful of killers can cut chases short, can't really be looped or otherwise have an ability that gives them an advantage in a chase.

Cue some entitled brats that will whine about how these killers are 'so boring' to face, and how they ought to be nerfed to the ground if not removed from the game entirely.

All cause these brats can't apply their stale MO to these few. And then, when told to be a bit stealthier against this handful of killers out of over twenty, they argue that 'only chases are fun'.

AND YET, in the same breath, they will throw a tantrum over aura perks that allow the killer to engage them in chases faster.

Usually resulting in them harassing the devs every given stream/tweet about how the game's ought to be changed to simultaneously have no killers that can win chases at all, all while not having any perks that allow the killer to even find them.

People, do the community a favour and either leave or cut it out.


  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I can't really argue with this, but being told to play stealthy when stealth is fairly outdated doesn't seem like an optimal strategy, especially with perks like stridor.

    And you know this lot HATES the non-meta

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Yes, I find Oni boring, but people have been trying to get characters nerfed because they find them boring.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    It's sad that this is how the game is played. I really wish I could chase survivors longer

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Well, I mean... I CAN. But if I do I can probably expect to see 2-3 gens pop after I finish hooking my target.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    But how am I supposed to enjoy my Lobby/Generator simulator game when these people come at me with a knife and bug me? I demand nerfs!

    Seriously though, I agree. I find some killers boring to go against for sure, but I'd never want a nerf against them. Honestly feels like if the majority of this games community had their own way, the game would either be a 1-sided murderfest or 1-sided escapefest. I like the fact that some killers can cut me down fast as hell. It keeps me on my toes and makes me need to get better

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,938

    I think it's like everything, everyone has their opinion on what they like/dislike in the game - I think for the majority though, chases are the most fun's definitely my favourite part of the game playing as both a killer or survivor.

    So I can understand it when people feel denied at their favourite part of the game. Especially for survivors where the other option for them is repairing generators - interactions between other survivors and the killer is the most fun part of the game personally.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Don't care. Let's make stealth great again, nerf all aura and detection perks please and make the maps dark again so you can enjoy searching around the map all game long.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    Even though I don't want the boring killers to be nerfed, I can fully understand why people hate killers like Deathslinger, Spirit, etc. For survivors, the ONLY fun part of the game is the chase so when you make a killer that is incredibly oppressive in the chase but awful everywhere else, people are not going to enjoy it, and that goes for both sides. For example, if your going up against a deathslinger as survivor, forget about having a fun game, your just going to have to rely on stealth and focus hard on gens since that's his only weakness and as a killer if you make a couple of mistakes in the chase as deathslinger you lose the game fast since he's so bad with his map pressure.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870
    edited December 2020

    You just wont give it up jesus christ. You clearly not good at survivor. The only ones who cant understand that chase interaction is the most fun thing for survivors are bad survivors and killers who dont play survivor enough to enjoy chases. You fall into both categories evidently.

    Also stop trying to cherry pick the fact some bad survivors get mad over bbq. The good ones don't. That is a logical fallacy.

    Also not to mention it's an opinion. Which they are entitled to. 🤡

  • Gold_Rose
    Gold_Rose Member Posts: 7

    Some people think they have to win and or bully the killer every round to have fun. Those people need to go play a different game.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Umm what?

    A) Who's having tantrums over killer detection perks? I sure as hell don't know anyone, even the most bias of survivor mains.

    B) These so called "toxic bratty survivors" actually have genuine concerns for the games health. Chases ARE the funnest thing for majority of the survivor player base, whether you personally like it or not, and when there are a few killers who completely destroy the funnest part of the game and remove interactivity, you loose alot of fun. It's exactly the same reason why being genrushed and vsing survivors who you never find all game are boring. No interactivity- No fun (For most players at least). And especially these days where trying to win in solo q is almost fully dependent on the killer and ur teammates, so chases and fun gameplay become the priority.

    C) You don't need a killer to have no or a weak antiloop to be fun in chase, I mean look most survivors are fine with killers like nurse, huntress and oni, who are far stronger than that of deathsligner or pyramid head. It's all about making the power engaging, fullfulling and able to use/beat and creating fair chases, not some guess right and you live guess wrong and you instantly die type of stuff.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    It matters how they put it.

    I'm fine with anyone hating any killer, every killer can be annoying for one reason or another. I hate myers and pig, 2 of the most "fun" killers to verse by the communities standards.

    Hell, if someone hates versing slinger, that's fine, as long as they don't spew out things that could easily be avoided such as the "hurr durr no counterplay" argument, that derives from them either ignoring clear counters or not being good at the game.

    I think you should direct your post to the people who just say a killer is annoying to get them nerfed, not the people who genuinely find a killer annoying. Them people I do dislike. They can't come up with a good argument so just follow the bandwagon and say "egevqdhxc delet slinger bhver!!11!1".

    But ya know, people have opinions on killers and that's fine, whether they find them annoying or fun. Not everyone is just trying to get a killer nerfed, if that was the case I would've made a "Why is the pig is so frustrating" in classical Sco... erm, me fashion.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Because didn’t you know the conspiracy theorists within these forums seem to think “boring” = “will get nerfed”. Which we all know isn’t true but 🙂.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    The only killer i find boring is legion. And i prefer a rework rather than a nerf.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Killers who outplay Survivors are always "boring." The only people who really say this only consider running the killer for 2min+ "interactive."

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    The decision to buff/nerf things is a combination of statistics and probably picking things at random out of a hat (unless you have a better explanation for gearhead)

    Contrary to popular belief, the devs don't rigorously patrol the forum, the subreddit, twitter replies etc ready toleap into action whenever some random survivor main calls something "boring"

    "We've got a code red Mathieu, xX_t0x1c_pRinceSS_Xx just described trapper as 'boring' AND 'annoying' in a DBD PSN group"

    "May God have mercy on us all. Christmas is cancelled until trapper is made fun for ALL survivors. I want him to start with 0 traps, I want padded jaws basekit, I want him able to get caught in his own traps while placing them and I want these things done NOW"

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    I agree. Survivors will complain about being chased and then complain about not being chased 🤣