Killers: Need Advice on Hook "Camping"

Normally, as soon as I hook, I move off to check on a gen. If I happen to still be close when they get unhooked, I may head back, and I will chase the new survivor, not the one that was unhooked. If I think someone might be in the area, I might do a quick search around and give chase if I find anyone.
My question is... should I be lingering closer to the hook longer? I was reading a post about a survivor who was constantly being camped and someone mentioned that killers do that because 2 or 3 others will get off gens to rescue this person. So, that means, my nice, friendly way, is only pulling one person off a gen, where "some what" camping, will pull 2, maybe even 3, survivors off gens.
Is this accurate? Should I be more campy? (I've only been playing hard core killer for the last week, so I'm still new to this. Currently rank 7 or 8.)
My advise is to hit whatever target pops up in front of you which is the most certain to go down. Whether or not you stay around the hook is entirely match-specific. Sometimes you have an altruistic bunch where everyone runs to the hook. There isn't much reason to leave if you can see them coming. Sometimes you have people who will simply let them die on the hook. Why waste your time. I break babysitting the hook down into three types:
Squatting: (what most call Face Camping) is staying point blank to make it super hard to unhook safely.
Lurking: Which is hiding nearby, extremely close hoping to go unseen by the hooked and unhooker until too late.
Camping: Which is a series of short patrols where you are able to get back to the hook fast if you need to do so.
All of them have their uses. There is no magic bullet or formula. You have to base it on the individual match.
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Camping is a double edged sword in this game. On the one hand, survivors can become super altruistic and divebomb for a save, only to trade places, but, they can also leave the survivor on hook and just do gens to punish the camping. And if the hooked survivor has Kindred, they all know you're there. Personally, I'd say unless there's evidence someone is lurking nearby, head to a gen and scout. The longer you wait, the more the gens are being done and the less pressure yo're leaving on the survivors.